Weekly Recap #85: Week of 12/30 – 1/5


It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and to Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope that 2019 is off to a great start for all of you!  I had twelve days off from work and was like a whiny child when it was time to go back, but overall I had a wonderful and relaxing holiday and feel very refreshed and ready to tackle the new year so I won’t complain too much. I also finally decided on a new car and we picked that up while I was off from work.  It’s my first new car in twelve years so everyday since I’ve gotten the new one has been quite the adventure as I get used to all of the new technology that my old car didn’t have.  For those who remember me mentioning the car hunt before, we ended up going with the Subaru Ascent and so far I love it!

I spent this weekend taking down all of the Christmas decorations and putting the house back together.  My husband and I then did a huge purge/reorganization of our kitchen to make it easier to prepare what we hope will be healthier meals in 2019, as focusing on our health and fitness is one of the few goals we’ve decided on for the new year.  Aside from eating better (i.e. eating more veggies, less carbs and meat), we’re also planning to try to get to the gym three times a week for some cardio and weightlifting.  We failed miserably at this in 2018 so wish us luck, lol!

As far as blogging, I’m still thinking about my blogging goals for this year, so stay tuned for a post about those sometime soon.  I’ve started the new year focused almost solely on getting all of my January and early February ARCs read and reviewed on time.  I didn’t exercise nearly enough self control when I was requesting and then got approved for more than I was expecting to, so it will be a few weeks before I really get started on tackling what I think will be my main goal for the year – reading and reviewing books that I already own.

I think that’s about it for now.  Have a great week, everyone!













Believe it or not?  No new books this week!




38 replies
  1. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    Eating healthy and exercising is always a good idea indeed! And I understand the struggle with the new car as technology is evolving fast! Now about your ARCs…I am trying to tone them down on the blog to have more room to read moody reads! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Right? I’m planning to control myself and request fewer ARCs because I really do want to read more of the books that are already sitting on my shelves.

  2. Barb (boxermommyreads)
    Barb (boxermommyreads) says:

    Some great looking reviews coming up. I’m looking forward to them. We took our decorations down on the 31st and I’ll admit, the house seems a tad bit empty. Plus it made the dogs sad.

  3. RO
    RO says:

    Wow! 12 days off to celebrate the holiday sounds fab, and I don’t blame you one bit for not wanting to go back(lol) I wish there was a way we could keep up all the decorations for the year, don’t you? (lol) Looking like some great reviews are coming soon. Happy New Year! RO

  4. Tânia @MyLovelySecret
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret says:

    Happy New Year, Suzanne! 🙂 After twelve days of resting, I would also act like a whiny child. =P We haven’t taken down our Christmas decorations yet, since today is King’s Day (Dia dos Reis). Tomorrow, hopefully, everything will be tied up. 🙂 I love that meme. Pretty much what I would do if I ever won the lottery.

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  5. Greg
    Greg says:

    Good luck with the gym/ healthy eating stuff! There’s some of that going on here too lol. And twelve days off awesome, but it is hard going back, isn’t it? And congrats on the car!

    I like the look of The Suspect.

  6. Kelly
    Kelly says:

    Looking forward to seeing what you think of White Stag Suzanne, I was sent that one for review and have heard very little about it so far. Happy new year! I’ve just remembered that I’ve left my wreath on the front door still. We rarely use the front door so I’d completely forgotten. I’ve vowed not to make any blogging resolutions this year besides just trying to keep up. I haven’t had the best start to the year so hoping it can only get better from here ♡♡

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      We seem to always find a few decorations several weeks after we think we’ve put everything away too. Sorry to hear that your year has gotten off to a rough start. I hope things get better for you soon!

  7. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    I vow to exercise more and eat better every year. It’s hard with full time jobs and other obligations, but it’s great that you and your husband will be able to encourage each other. Curious about 96 Words. I was rejected for it, but from the reviews I have read, I may have dodged a bullet.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      It really is challenging, isn’t it. It takes a lot of work to eat healthy as opposed to grabbing fast food or throwing a pizza in the oven.

  8. sjhigbee
    sjhigbee says:

    Best of luck with your healthy eating and exercise – we need to do the same thing! Congratulations on the new car – I acquired one in the summer and I don’t know myself as I’d been several years without one.

  9. Amber Elise @ Du Livre
    Amber Elise @ Du Livre says:

    I haven’t even started to think about putting my house together. I think I’ll take the Christmas decorations down next weekend.

    One of my goals has been to eat less meat too, here’s to a healthy 2019!

  10. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books
    Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books says:

    Good luck with your new year goals! Health/fitness is one of my personal ones too. I’m still working on what I want to achieve blog-wise.

    Going back to work after the holidays was a big shock to the system for me! (I went back on Thursday.)
    I’m really not looking forward to the first full week back!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I went back to work on Wednesday and it was amazing how long that three day week felt. I too am not looking forward to a full week this week, lol.

  11. ShootingStarsMag
    ShootingStarsMag says:

    Happy New Year. I really do want to focus on reading more of the books already on my shelves this year. Good luck with your health goals. I’m focusing on the same things!


  12. Laura Thomas
    Laura Thomas says:

    Best of luck with your healthy eating and exercise plans. I hope to do more too. And I’m loving your books. Several are on my wish list. It was a great year in reading and I’m thinking this year will be too!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I just finished The Wartime Sisters today and thought it was excellent. My first time reading that author so I will be sure to check out more of her books.

  13. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I am glad you had a nice vacation, Suzanne! And yay for the new car! I did my share of whining too, but mine came from having to work while my daughter had two weeks off. She enjoyed herself though and I kept the roof over our heads. 😊

    I want to focus more on my health too this year. Eating better and exercising. It doesn’t help though that Girl Scout Cookie season is coming and I’ll have a house full of cookies. More motivation to sell? I hope so.

    I hope you have a wonderful week and are enjoying your books!

  14. Anne
    Anne says:

    Those sound like great goals. We did a huge kitchen purge in May when we went gluten-free (my daughter’s health issues). We’ve done ok with the eating part as I love to cook. It’s been harder on my daughter – she loves pasta / bread. I never ate that much so it’s easier for me. I also eat more meat than she does. We also joined the YMCA in December to assist with her physical therapy. It is a slow ramp up as we are busy with other things also. There are 3 Ys within 10 miles of our house which helps since more class schedules. Good luck and Happy New Year. Anne – Books of My Heart

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Oh wow, having that many options so close to home is good. We picked a gym that is a couple of miles away for the same reason and hope that it will make it easier for us to get there regularly.

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