Weekly Recap #102: Week of 4/28 – 5/4


It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and to Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

It was a pretty quiet week, both at home and at work, which is nice after the hectic pace that dogged me for months.  There were a couple of soccer games but even one of those was postponed due to rain, so I actually had quite a few extra hours to myself.

I’ve been using that extra free time to get through my May ARCs (only have 3 left) and to continue to work on my backlist reading and finishing up series that have been on my TBR forever.  I just checked the final book of the Raven Circle out of the library and hope to finish that series this week.  That has been on my TBR since 2016 so I’m thrilled to finally see the finish line in sight.  Thank goodness for audiobooks!

I finally made it to the theater this weekend to see Avengers: Endgame.  It was pretty amazing and I managed to avoid spoilers all the way up until the movie actually started when some asshole who had obviously just watched the earlier showing of the film came running into our showing, yelled out the biggest spoiler of the entire film, ruining it for all of us, and then ran out.  I kind of hope she got hit by a bus as she left the theater.  Just kidding…not really.

But the real highlight of the week for me was, by far, Game of Thrones and the Battle of Winterfell!  I don’t want to be like the asshole above and spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, but OMG!  First of all, all of my theories about how it could possibly go were dead wrong, lol.  I was totally okay with that though because the way it did play out was so much better than I ever could have imagined.  I know there were some complaints about it being too dark and that certain characters were dispatched way too easily, but honestly, I loved all 82 minutes of it and can’t wait for tonight’s episode.

Now that I’ve started babbling about GoT again, everything else I was going to write about went right out of my head so I guess I’m done, lol.  Have a great week, everyone!

















Source: Pinterest

34 replies
  1. Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy
    Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy says:

    I cannot believe the nerve of that spoiler girl!! I just don’t understand why anyone would do that. And GOT was sooo good last week, such an iconic moment that is already immortalized. The whole world must have seen that scene in a gif by now, even if they haven’t seen the episode.

  2. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
    Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog says:

    Yay for a quiet week!! I need to get through my May ARCs too. 4 more to go then I don’t have a ton coming up. Let’s not talk about the overdue ones though lol. GoT! Cannot wait for this week. Have a great week!

  3. Tânia @MyLovelySecret
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret says:

    It’s so nice to have a quiet week after a couple of stressful months. 🙂 Some people are morrows. I truly hope she was ran over by a bus (yes, I’m an evil person). It’s not okay to spoiler a film/series/book to anyone on purpose. I’m so excited about today’s GoT episode. Can’t wait watch the aftermath of the battle.

    Enjoy your new books! 😉
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  4. Anne - Books of My Heart
    Anne - Books of My Heart says:

    I’m trying to finish up my May ARCs also but am not quite as successful yet. I want to get ahead for a long weekend trip we have planned. I’m waiting for the Unhoneymooners on audio, not patiently. I love Christina Lauren on audio though. Have a lovely week!

    Here is my Sunday Post   

  5. Greg
    Greg says:

    Ooh I’m hoping to read The Night Before next- it looks so good! And I can’t believe that person did that in the theater- what is wrong with people??? lol

    So true about the Scholastic book fairs! Those were the best!!

  6. Angela
    Angela says:

    Why do people have to be such jerks and spoil things??? And not even just like write it online, but literally shout it out in the streets. Like, come on! I’m glad you finally got to see Endgame and enjoyed it, though!

  7. Flora
    Flora says:

    What a cow! That’s a really mean thing to do. I loved Endgames, cried again (or perhaps that’s just my age lol!)

    I love the cover of The Raven King.

  8. Steph L
    Steph L says:

    I ma lgad you had a great week! I have not seen End Game yet, and I’m busy the next few weekends so I hope when it I can see it the crowds calm down. I think There Is Something About Sweetie looks so good. I am currently reading The Princess and the Fangirl and I love it! Have a great week!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Glad to hear you’re enjoying The Princess and the Fangirl. It’s my next read so I’m excited to get to it.

  9. sjhigbee
    sjhigbee says:

    I think it says a great deal for your innate niceness that your complaint about Spoiler Girl was so restrained – I’d have wanted to have her swinging by her thumbs! And I agree about The Long Night episode – wasn’t it fantastic?? And yes… it was dark and yes… some of the military tactics were dreadful – but I can’t recall watching with my heart pounding with fear and expectation and being on the edge of my seat for a very, very long time. The production values… the sheer quality of ALL the performances… is just jaw-droppingly good. Let’s hope this coming week is just as gripping (though I can’t see why not – they alll have been so far!). Have a great week, Suzanne:)

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I agree. I’ve been so impressed with Season 8 so far. Still can’t believe we only have 2 episodes left!

  10. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    I am so jealous you only have 3 May ARCs left. I have something like 15 (I have no idea how I had so many, but I had like 45 – crazy!) I see you picked up Just for Clicks. I hope you enjoy it. I thought it was great. Poston’s book was nerdy fun too.

  11. Kelly | Another Book in the Wall
    Kelly | Another Book in the Wall says:

    I cannot believe the audacity of that girl to spoil the film like that! I would have been so irritated if that was me. So sorry that happened to you, love! I’m glad you still enjoyed the movie regardless. I hope you enjoy Princess and the Fangirl! I absolutely loved Geekerella, so I have high expectations for it! Happy reading! <3

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Geekerella was sooo good! I’m planning to start The Princess and the Fangirl next so fingers crossed that I love it just as much.

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