Can’t Wait Wednesday – LIFE AND LIMB by Jennifer Roberson


“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, which encourages fellow bloggers to spotlight upcoming releases that we’re excited about.  It is a meme that I have  loved participating in for over a year now, but as Jill is no longer actively posting, from now on I’ll just be linking to Can’t Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, which is a spinoff of the original WoW meme.

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My selection for this week is LIFE AND LIMB by Jennifer Roberson.  I have been in such a rut with my fantasy reading for months now. Everything I read just feels like more of the same old, same old.  This book, however, caught my eye because it just sounds so different from any other fantasy series I’ve read.  It has bikers, cowboys, gods and goddesses, demons, the minotaur, and more. You name it, it’s in there!


LIFE AND LIMB by Jennifer Roberson

Publication Date:  November 5, 2019


From Netgalley

A biker and a cowboy must stop the apocalypse in the first book of the Blood and Bone modern western fantasy series.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. —Baudelaire

He is, after all, the master of lies.  But is it lies when a man comes calling and says the End of Days is nearing?  That you must do everything within your power to stop it? Even when you have no powers. You are, after all, just a human.

Or do you have no powers? Are you just a human? And what the hell are you supposed to do about preventing hell-on-earth when you’re fresh out of prison, a biker ex-con who can’t even vote?

But the man who bears the message, the mission, is not a stranger shouting on a street corner while hoisting a sign promising death and damnation. He is someone you’ve known since boyhood, someone you trust implicitly. Someone who has never, ever lied to you. He’s Grandaddy.

But who is he really? And who are you? Are you truly a weapon meant to be wielded against the devil’s return? Against the End Times. The End of Days. Apocalypse and Armageddon.

Demons, Grandaddy says, are now loosed upon the earth in the first spasms of a most unholy war. Demons inhabit and make real the beasts and characters of fiction, folklore, fairytales. Gods and goddesses walk the earth. The minotaur. Murderers. A horseman without his head. Myth becomes reality. Legends—and lies—are truths.

And maybe the man you’ve always trusted isn’t entirely human.

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I’d love to hear what upcoming book releases you’re waiting on this Wednesday? Leave me your link in the comments below and I’ll stop by and check out your CWW selection for this week. 🙂

32 replies
  1. Angela
    Angela says:

    I’ve also been burned out on fantasy lately, but this sounds amazing! It seems to have the potential for some good humor, and I like that the main character is definitely not “a girl who isn’t like other girls” or a special snowflake!

  2. Vi @Inkvotary
    Vi @Inkvotary says:

    Holy smokes, that sounds thrilling! Want!! The mix of Apocalypse and Armageddon sounds great. After reading the summary I was wow, that must be quite a novel. Happy reading and hopefully you will get it from Netgalley.

    Best wishes

  3. Kelly
    Kelly says:

    A biker and a cowboy, it’s probably going to be a battle in choosing who to swoon over! I look forward to your Can’t Wait Wednesday meme, I’m always picking up great new reads that I wouldn’t normally have heard of. Another winner! Thanks so much for sharing Suzanne darling.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Sounds wild, doesn’t it? I definitely hope to read this one. I think it could finally bust me out of the fantasy rut I’ve been in.

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