Weekly Recap #104: Week of 5/12 – 5/18


It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and to Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

This has been a week of “lasts” on my calendar.  Last band concert of the year, last soccer game of the season, last after school Math Club meeting.  I’ve probably been a little too excited to mark those things off my schedule, but every little window of downtime that opens up makes me happy these days.  The upcoming week is my son’s last week of 6th grade and I honestly can’t believe how fast this school year has flown by. Seems like yesterday we were just arriving at the school for the first time for middle school orientation and now he’s almost a 7th grader.  He had a great year, aside from a couple of behavioral challenges that he has hopefully learned from, and will finish on the Honor Roll.  He also did a great job in Pre-Algebra and has been invited to enroll in Algebra I next year, which is very exciting!

Not too much else has been going on.  Work hasn’t been too bad for the past couple of weeks and it’s going well with all of the new people we’re training so I’m really hoping we’re moving in a better, less stressful direction.  I actually came home every night and didn’t immediately crash and burn for a change, which was nice, lol. I even got 4 and a half books read, which hasn’t happened in months!  I’m currently working my way through my June ARCs with my next four reads all having a publication date of June 4.  I can’t decide which of them I want to start first, but am leaning toward the Jane Green book.  I swear one of these days I’m going to get better about not requesting so many with the same pub date!

On the backlist front, after finally finishing (and loving!) The Raven Cycle a few days ago, I decided to go ahead and tackle another series that has been on my TBR for ages and started reading An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. I’m doing the audio version and loving it so far, and I’m also excited because it’s my 15th backlist read of the year.  My goal is to read at least 35, so as of now, I’m on track to meet or surpass that goal if I can keep up the same pace.

On my agenda for today is to get caught up on my blog hopping, go see A Dog’s Journey with my son, and then to watch the series finale of Game of Thrones.  I feel like my jaw is still hanging open in shock (and disappointment?) after last week’s episode and I can’t even begin to hazard a guess as to how it will end tonight.  I’m sure no matter what happens though, I’ll be sitting there crying by the end.  It has been a wild, if at times uneven, ride!

Have a great week, everyone!

















34 replies
  1. Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy
    Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy says:

    Sounds like your son is on a similar math track as my son. He started pre algebra in 6th grade and now he’s a college sophomore computer science major! Hope you enjoy A Dogs Journey, I can’t wait to see it😊

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I have a feeling that my son will end up on a similar path. He likes math, is obsessed with all things technology, and says he would love to design video games when he grows up.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      We just changed our school calendar so this is actually the first time we’ve finished so early. Even though my son hated going back earlier last fall, he’s loving that he’s finished this week.

  2. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books says:

    Sounds like a successful sixth grade experience. And kudos to your son for getting through pre-algebra in sixth grade! Color me impressed! I hope to get caught up on blog hopping today… fingers crossed. And the GoT finale… please let it be satisfying! After last week I am highly skeptical. Jane Green used to be an auto buy for me (many years ago) but her last several really disappointed me and I’ve almost written her off. I’ll be interested to see what you think of the latest. Your random is so true! 🙂

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I was unfortunately pretty disappointed in the GoT finale. There were a few things I liked but I just expected so much more.

  3. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    Glad to hear your son’s first year of MS went well. That’s always a good thing. I feel your pain with the ARCs. It seems like all the books are coming out on June 4th (I have 9 in my queue).

  4. Tânia @MyLovelySecret
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret says:

    Time does fly. Congrats to your son for finishing on the Honor Roll. 🙂 An Ember in the Ashes is one of my favourite books. Hope you love it as much as I do.

    You got The Girl in Red? I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

    Happy readings! 😉

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Thanks! I really hope I’ll be able to keep up the pace because it’s so nice to finally get to all of these books that I’ve been hearing good things about for so long.

  5. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out says:

    I somehow have about 6 books for review in the first week of June too, none are the same as yours though.

    My youngest son is a bit of a Maths whizz, he takes after his Dad.

    Have a great reading week

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Yeah, they just changed our school calendar this past year to start going back before Labor Day. The kids hated it when the change was announced but now they’re thrilled that their last week of school is before Memorial Day weekend.

  6. Greg
    Greg says:

    Yeah it’s amazing how fast it goes by, for sure. And 4 and a half books- nice! I don’t think I read a single book last week lol- does a graphic novel count? 🙂

    Game of Thrones- yes I have no idea what’s going to happen tonight!

  7. Flora
    Flora says:

    Although life is nice, it’s great when the demands on our time reduce and we get the chance to relax and kick back.

    I hope you get lots of reading time again this week, Suzanne and enjoy your books. x

  8. Hena Tayeb
    Hena Tayeb says:

    I agree with this season of GOT being just all over the place. And last week was just jaw dropping!! We saw the last episode last night and while it was not amazing I have come to terms with it.. it was fine. Amazing shows (LOST) are just too hyped up and are doomed to disappoint.

    We still have another month of school left..


  9. ShootingStarsMag
    ShootingStarsMag says:

    It’s so crazy that the year is ending for kids in school. My niece and nephew have their last day tomorrow. Yay for getting a lot of reading done. I need to start reading more; I’m a bit behind on May review books. haha

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