Weekly Recap #107: Week of 6/2 – 6/8


It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and to Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

It has been another quiet week here for me.  With the exception of continuing to puppy-proof the house and do a little last minute DIY fence repair, I feel like I haven’t really done much of anything at all. We pick up the puppy this coming weekend and are all so excited about it.  Still haven’t settled on a name yet, but we’ll get there eventually, lol.

Work is still good overall, although my one trainee who wasn’t performing got fired this week and the workload got reshuffled so now I have two other trainees.  Both of those are performing well though so I won’t complain too much.  The two new trainees are already working pretty independently so I’m more of a mentor as they have questions and then I just review their work before they move it forward in our workflow.  It feels good knowing that once they’re both fully independent, we should be in a good position for the next time it gets busy.

On the blog front, I’m forever behind on commenting but continue to plug away and get visits in every time I have a few minutes.  I did get a lot of reading done this week and managed to finish all but one of my June 4 ARCs, The Chosen, so I hope to finish up that one this week.  Somehow I actually bypassed that one and read my June 11 ARCs instead, so I’m ready for June 11 but behind on June 4.  I’m also taking part in the Iron Throne Readalong and finished the first week’s reading last night.  I don’t re-read often, but it always amazes me how many little details I pick up on the second time around that weren’t even on my radar the first time through.  I loved book 1 the first time around but am enjoying it even more now.  The readalong is great too because the way, the organizers have broken out the reading assignments for each week, they’re easily manageable without getting in the way of other things I have going on and my ARCs, etc.

Oh well, that’s it for me.  Have a great week, everyone!














I went a little overboard this week with new books.  I blame Amazon and their $1.99 deals though because they had so many books from my TBR on sale this week.  Resistance was futile.



34 replies
  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
    Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    So nice to hear that your work is settling down. It’s wonderful to work with people who know what they are doing and are putting in the effort to get better.

    I’ve never been good at reading according to someone else’s schedule; I’ve pretty much given up reading ARCs on a timetable unless I see something that really hits me. I’m finding that older titles are often much better than now-out-of-the box titles. It’s probably just me.

    Have a great reading week.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Nope, definitely not just you. I’ve really been enjoying my backlist reads this year and they’ve often been my highest rated reviews.

  2. Alison Flores
    Alison Flores says:

    Glad work is settling and it’s always nice to be ahead on your reading! Having just one book you have to go back for won’t be too bad. I have the bad habit of thinking I have plenty of time before my next ARCs are due, and then find myself rushing to finish them. I think I’ll start my next ARC today to get ahead.

  3. A Darker Shade of Rosie
    A Darker Shade of Rosie says:

    Oooh new puppy! Can’t wait to see a picture! I’ve been dabbling with the idea of getting a puppy for my son, but I might wait until he’s at least 3. It’s hard enough mommin’ a baby, let alone a puppy too lol.

    I’ve been reading A Game of Thrones too, after the season finale. I’m only about 6% through though, haha.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Oh I agree, lol. I waited until my son was in middle school in hopes that he’ll be old enough to help out with the puppy, especially exercising him, etc.

  4. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    Suzanne you’ll have to post pictures of the puppy!!! And I hope you will have fun with Slayer I loved it. On a last parting note I relate to commenting back as I have the same problem now and prefer blog hopping when I have time and commenting back every two days!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Every couple of days seems to be my default for commenting now too. I wish I had a few more hours in each day to get everything done, lol.

  5. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books says:

    Glad to hear that things are going well at work. It’s always good to feel properly staffed. I’m also behind on blog visiting/commenting and trying hard to get caught up. I rarely reread but it always seems like I enjoy them when I do so I should really make it a point to reread my favorites more often.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      This is the first time I’ve re-read something in a long time. I keep saying I’m going to do it more but always fail, haha.

  6. Angela
    Angela says:

    Even though I’ve read Game of Thrones a few times, I always like revisiting the characters and seeing where they started. Can’t wait to start week 2 today!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I started the week 2 reading today at work and completely agree. It’s so interesting to circle back and follow them now that I know so much more about their motivations, etc.

  7. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    I like when things are quiet at work, but not slow. At least with trainees there is some monitoring to do. Good luck with the puppy proofing. I remember my dog getting into EVERYTHING, when she was a pup. I still have 5 June 4th ARCs to read. I am shuffling some to the “later” pile though, because of meh reviews. I will maybe, probably read them at some point.

  8. Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight says:

    That’s unfortunate for that trainee, but I’m glad the two new ones are working out for you!

    That’s what I love about re-reading, noticing all those details you didn’t notice the first time!

    Hope you have a great week 🙂

  9. Lindsi
    Lindsi says:

    The Girl in Red is SO GOOD. I hope you love it as much as I did! It kept me on edge and I was staying up way too late to see what would happen next. I received The Grace Year also! It sounds really interesting, and I hope we both enjoy it. I liked Slayer, although I haven’t seen Buffy. It still made sense, although I’m sure I missed some of the references.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      That’s such a bummer that you don’t get the same Amazon deals we do. I was actually surprised to see so many great ones all at the same time this week.

  10. Tânia @MyLovelySecret
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret says:

    I can’t wait to see the puppy. Please, you must share pictures!!! It’s easier to settle on a name after meeting and interacting with the new family member. 🙂 Don’t worry about being behind on commenting back. I’m also forever behind commenting back. *hides in shame* These past two weeks have been so busy that it was difficult to find time to blog hop.

    You got so many books this week. Who could resist to 1,99 deals?! Hope you enjoy all of your new books.

    Happy readings! 😉

  11. Jennifer Tar Heel Reader
    Jennifer Tar Heel Reader says:

    There were SO many June 11 and June 4 books, Suzanne! So many! I wish you luck with your reading and reviews and hope these trainees work out better than the last one. I hope you have a great week!

  12. Anne - Books of My Heart
    Anne - Books of My Heart says:

    Definitely don’t regret anything especially when it comes to getting more books. You have some wonderful ones in your haul. Your work seems to be going along pretty well. We are looking to get a dog once we move, not a puppy. We will get a rescue and it will be nice as the new place has a fenced in yard. But that is July or August, not this month. Have a great week with all those new reads!

    Here is my Sunday Post   

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