Weekly Recap #152: Week of 4/19 – 4/25


It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

I almost forgot to post today because I woke up, didn’t know what day it was, and started to log in to work.  Yep, even with working, I’ve finally reached that point where all the days are just the same to me.  It’s all good though. I recovered and here’s my post, such that it is.  There’s honestly just nothing going on that’s worth writing about.  My big excitement for the week is that my hair salon has announced they’re doing curbside pickup on their custom dyes so that clients can touch up their own roots while waiting for the salon to officially reopen.  I watched their online tutorial and it looks doable so I’m going to pick my color up next weekend and give it a whirl.  I had thankfully gotten a haircut right before everything shut down, but I noticed my roots this week and it got me down a bit. I know no one is seeing them outside of family members, but I think it’s a psychological, self care kind of thing.  I need to do something for myself and this is a simple pick-me-up.

Mostly we’re just plugging along through quarantine.  I’m counting down the weeks until the schools stop sending online work for the kids. I hate to be unsupportive about that since I understand where the teachers and the school district are coming from, but I’m just over it and tired of fighting the fight with my son everyday since there’s no accountability in terms of grades anyway.  The official end of the school year is May 22 and that day can’t come soon enough for me.

I’m still getting some reading done and some blogging done, but it’s definitely all sporadic depending on what else is going on around here.  Speaking of which, I saw the video below on Facebook yesterday and I think it perfectly sums up what daily life is like if you’re stuck in quarantine with kids, lol.



Anyway, that’s it for me.  I hope everyone out there is staying safe, healthy, and is practicing social distancing.  Have a great week!

















38 replies
  1. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    I laughed as I watched that video, but I gasped when the soap was flying. That’s something that has been out of stock/low stock at my market. I had to get an $8 bottle of hand soap the other day, because there were no other choices. From what I am hearing about all this at home work, no answer keys, and no work being submitted, I probably wouldn’t have fought with my kid to do it. It sounds like busy work to me, and I hate when people waste my time (mind you, I was a teacher for 12 years). Good luck with they dye. I am sure it will come out great. I always dye my own hair. I don’t know if you read by pub date, but Chasing Lucky was pushed to Nov (in case you didn’t hear).

  2. Angela
    Angela says:

    I have to think real hard every day about what day of the week it actually is! That’s great that your salon is doing that with the hair dye. I think mentally it does help to keep up with stuff like that, at least it would make me feel that I had one area of my life under control! (My mom just did my hair, lol, so I’m feeling better!)

  3. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    Well Suzanne I nearly worked on Easter Monday and I forgot that next Friday we had a free day so I totally realate! I am lucky that I don’t have either died hair or white hair yet so that’s a problem I don’t have! Stay safe!

  4. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out says:

    I’ve decided to embrace the grey during lockdown. I’m curious to see how grey I actually am LOL
    Term 2 resumes online this week for us (our school year runs Jan to December) but they are considering a staggered attendance pattern from mid May. I guess we just see how it goes.

    Wishing you a great reading week, be well x

  5. ShootingStarsMag
    ShootingStarsMag says:

    I would be ready for schools to stop sending work too if there’s really no accountability or “point” if you will. That would be a battle I’d be so over. LOL I work at a community college, and it’s tough for them even WITH grades because many aren’t used to online classes and life is just so crazy right now. We’re still doing online summer classes too, but they start a few weeks later this year which is nice!


  6. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I would so jump on it if my hair salon was doing that. I had been putting off getting a touch up and was about to cave when everything closed down.At least I know now just how much gray I have. LOL I’m going to brave cutting my husband’s hair soon and he volunteered to color my hair if I decide to go that route. I’d have to figure out what brand and color to use though, so I may just tough it out. I don’t mind the length. I’ve been wanting to grow it out forever and so am enjoying that aspect at least.

    I feel you about the school work. I’m so over it. We’ve been working on a big project today that is due this coming week, and getting her interested in working on it has been so hard. Now we are down to the last minute and . . . I’m feeling a bit frustrated. Maybe more than a bit.

    I hope you are enjoying your reading! So many great sounding titles. I hope you have a good week, Suzanne.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Ugh, I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with the school thing too. Hopefully we’ll both get some relief from it soon.

  7. sjhigbee
    sjhigbee says:

    Lol… I love that video! Our schools don’t break up until mid-July, so my daughter is having to go on grappling with online learning for a while yet… And kudos to your hairdresser for making such a service available – I don’t have that option, as I have two different sets of highlights, so I may be going blonde for the duration, if my roots become more of an issue – they’re okay at present… I haven’t ever bleached my own hair, before – but then, I hadn’t ever cut it before – and now I have! I hope the coming week is a good one, Suzanne:)

  8. Anne - Books of My Heart
    Anne - Books of My Heart says:

    I have to say I am so glad my daughter is in college and self-motivated to do her work. I know it isn’t helpful to you, sorry. I wear my hair in a French braid and 6 times over the last 15 years I have cut 10 inches for Locks of Love. I normally only trim the bottom maybe once a year so I haven’t worried about it at all. To donate you can’t have colored or permed hair so I don’t do that either. Since I grew out my bangs a couple years ago, I am the lowest level of hair maintenance. I love it that way.

    Stay safe and be well!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  9. Greg
    Greg says:

    The quarantining definitely gets old doesn’t it? I mean as an introvert I’m not suffering that much lol but I know a lot of people are socially. Not everyone reads and watches Netflix and blogs in their spare time lol. Anyway yes the school thing I totally get. My kids are older so they pretty much self- direct but their enthusiasm level is not exactly sky high! I’m glad they’re doing their stuff in spite of the grumbling, but it is tough, especially when there’s not a lot of accountability grades- wise, like you said.

    Hope your week ahead is a great one!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Yeah, being an introvert has really made this time so much easier to deal with. I feel bad for the extroverts in my life, lol.

  10. Amber Elise @ Du Livre
    Amber Elise @ Du Livre says:

    I understand your frustration with school. My husband works with our public schools and he’s been doing a lot of tech work to get parents, teachers, and students set up with devices and the internet. It’s hard and teachers are limited by how much they can supervise. At least your school year is almost up. Ours will be ending late June, ugh.

  11. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
    Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer says:

    Dang, that is awesome about the hair salon. I get highlights so no go for me and I was overdue for both a haircut and color when this hit. I miss getting pedicures too. Our salons reopened but I am taking a wait and see approach since cases are still on the rise in my county.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Yeah, I’ll have to wait on my highlights as well. I’m only touching up the roots of the base color since a little gray is starting to show and it depresses me, lol.

  12. Becki
    Becki says:

    I’m with you for the online schooling. I have my oldest doing it herself, but the 2nd grader is only touching on maybe half of the stuff they send. And our school year is supposed to run til mid-June 🙁 Yay for reading as an escape for me 🙂 Stay safe!

  13. Flora
    Flora says:

    I can relate to needing to keep your hair colour up, Suzanne, my grey roots are getting on to close to an inch now. It is a psychological battle, my appt was supposed to be the week the UK went on lockdown so it was cancelled; I’m definitely going to be doing my hair myself too. Lol!

    Stay sane and hope you enjoy some great reads.

  14. Olivia Roach
    Olivia Roach says:

    That’s smart of the hairdressers and I hope that touching up your own roots will be successful and not too much trouble. I have deadlines for university so I have to keep up with the dates. Especially for classes and such. I am also surprised that the days still tend to blur into one for me as well.

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