Weekly Recap #17: Week of 9/3 – 9/9


Hey everyone!  It’s time for another weekly recap post of all things happening on and off the blog. This week I’ll be linking to the Sunday Post, which is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and to Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.

What a busy week!  Between getting my son back into the school routine and getting caught up at work from being on vacation, I didn’t really have much time or energy left over for reading.  I don’t even want to think about how many hours I wasted just vegging in front of the TV after I got home from work each night, haha.  I watched an entire season of Shameless on Netflix and am almost finished with that show so I spent a lot of time just randomly scrolling through shows on there looking for something new to watch.  Wow, who knew how much time you could waste doing that?!

We also had our first soccer game yesterday.  It was a little stressful because we lost a few of our best players over the summer because they decided they wanted to join one of those travel soccer leagues.  We didn’t have the money to go with them, so this year so this season is a rebuilding season for our team.  That said, we still managed to squeak out a victory yesterday so that was very exciting.  My son took a ball to the wrist and had to sit out most of the second half, but thankfully he’s fine and ready to play again this week.  The game is right in the middle of the week so I’ve been hard at work this weekend making sure my blog posts are scheduled and ready to go.

Even with the busy schedule this week, I was still able to read a couple of great books, A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Alice Network.  I hadn’t originally planned to read Alice but found myself not in the mood to read anything I had originally planned to read and so grabbed that.  If you’re into historical fiction, that one is a fantastic read about an all-female spy network during WWI.  I also started Forest of a Thousand Lanterns yesterday and am really enjoying it so far.  I’m not sure what I thought it was about, but the heroine seems to be somewhat of an anti-heroine so I’m pretty excited to keep reading.

I think that’s it for me.  Have a great week, everyone!















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24 replies
  1. Sam@WLABB
    Sam@WLABB says:

    It’s always challenging getting back into the swing of things. I always remember being so stressed out with all my daughter’s obligations and then it all just STOPPED! And I felt lost without the activities to guide my life. That is when I am a total time waster. Now I just squander time on weekends and holidays.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      It really is challenging. Thankfully this week is starting out on a pretty calm note so hopefully that means fairly smooth sailing from this point forward.

  2. Darlene
    Darlene says:

    I love your random pic, LOL! Yes, my TBR mountain seems insurmountable!! I haven’t read any of the ones that you’ve featured this week, but I did read Stiefvater’s first book in The Raven Cycle. I still need to get back to that series! Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by earlier!

  3. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I am glad your son’s injury wasn’t more serious. My daughter’s soccer team lost by quite a bit, but they had a lot of fun just the same. The other team seemed to be a bit older than ours and more experienced. I am very eager to read The Alice Network and so am glad to hear you recommend it. I hope you enjoy your new books! have a great week, Suzanne!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Glad to hear your daughter’s team still had fun. Sometimes I think we parents take the losses harder than the kids do. My son is happy as long as there are snacks and drinks afterwards, lol.

  4. Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
    Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog says:

    Sounds busy for sure!!! My daughter just started soccer and all the kids just run after the ball. It is so funny to watch them. I can’t wait to see what you think of The Blackbird Season. Your random is great!! Have a great week!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Haha, some of my favorite soccer moments of my son’s are from those early seasons when they had no idea what they were doing. So cute! Hope you have a great week too!

  5. Lauren Becker
    Lauren Becker says:

    i’m glad your son is okay, and that his team won yesterday! That’s awesome. I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, but not much TV or movie watching and there is SO much I still want to watch. Balance…so elusive. hah

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Thankfully we seem to have pretty quickly gotten back into our school routine. This week has started off on a much smoother and quieter note. Hopefully it will continue this way, lol.

  6. Greg Hill
    Greg Hill says:

    It is amazing how much time I can waste on Netflix ha ha! Good luck with soccer, it’s hard to lose players but hope the kids have a good year.

    Forest of a Thousand Lanterns looks pretty good, quite the cover on that!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who can waste a ton of time on Netflix, haha! Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is pretty good so far. I didn’t realize it was a Snow White retelling until I started reading so that was an interesting surprise.

  7. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    Good luck with the soccer and hope the kids will have a good year. My Neflix list is crazy, I feel like they keep adding so many things that I want to watch that I’ll never catch up! Happy reading and have a great week.

  8. Jen @ BTH Reviews
    Jen @ BTH Reviews says:

    I’m glad your son was okay. Soccer can be a dangerous sport. My brother got stomped on one time and his spleen ruptured. But I doubt most injuries are that severe. Have a great week!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Oh wow, how scary! Yeah, thankfully with our kids, it’s more the not paying attention and getting hit in the face with a ball or legs getting tangled up and kids falling down. I do worry about the intensity as he gets older though.

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