Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Top Ten Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes ever since I started blogging, so huge thanks to Jana for taking over the hosting duties!
This week’s TTT topic is Bookish Goals for 2024. I think most of these are repeats of goals I had for 2023, either because I failed at them last year or because I did well and really want to continue to work on that same goal in the coming year.
My Reading and Blogging Goals for 2024
1) My number one goal this year is pretty much a forever goal at this point and that’s to read more of the books I own. ARCs will always have my heart so I’m not even going to say I’m cutting down on how many I read because we know that’s not true, but I’m determined to keep putting a dent in the unread books I own either by finally reading them or else purging them if I’m no longer interested in reading them. I’m setting a personal goal for myself of reading and/or unhauling 70 books I already own, starting with the 24 in 2024 list I posted on Bookstagram last week. I’ve already read 3 of those books, DNF’ed 1 other, and unhauled 6 others I was no longer interested in reading so hopefully that bodes well for a good year.
2) This is also a repeat goal for the past 3 years. I really want to continue to only participate in blog tours where I have already requested a review book. I’ve done really well with that the past two years, mainly sticking with Berkley Romance tours, but it’s always so tempting when someone reaches out with a tour opportunity.
3) This is also an ongoing goal since my struggle to finish series continues. I did actually complete several from my list last year, but there are always more. For this year, I have 6 series on my shelf that I want to finish and 7 sitting on my shelf that I want to start.
Series I Want to Finish or Get Caught Up On:
- Bridgerton (5 books left)
- Outlander (4 books left)
- The Bergman Brothers (4 books left)
- Chestnut Springs (3 books left)
- Dreamland Billionaires (1 book left)
- Legendborn (1 book left to get caught up)
Series I Want to Start:
- Windy City
- The Off Campus Series
- Heartstopper
- Slammed
- Twisted
- The Edens
- Hoops
4) This is also a repeat goal from the past two years. I really want to continue to grow my Bookstagram account. When I started having so many tech issues and glitches on my blog in 2023, I really started pushing hard to grow my bookstagram account and post almost everyday since I knew I needed a reliable way to still get my reviews, etc. out there if my blog went down. I also discovered I really like taking bookish photos and having a word limit that I can’t go beyond since I can be long-winded in my reviews. In my mind, I have an unofficial goal of reaching 20,000 followers this year, but all of the tech issues seem to be on that platform this year so we’ll see how it goes. If you have a bookstagram account and are not already following me, you can give me a follow at https://instagram.com/thebookishlibra
5) Re-reading more. This is also a repeat goal and one I mostly failed at in 2023, aside from re-reading Fourth Wing and Crescent City 1 to get back into the swing of things before their next books came out. I have a few old favorites that I’d like to try to read this year, but we’ll see how it goes.
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Pride and Prejudice
- ACOTAR series
- The Handmaid’s Tale
- The Invisible Life of Addie Larue
- Throne of Glass
- Jane Eyre
- The Winternight Trilogy
6) I am aiming to keep my Netgalley percentage at 90% or above in 2024. I did very well with this goal in 2023, finishing the year at 93%. I know I can’t keep it that high, but if I could maintain 90, I’d consider that a success.
7) I say this every year, but in 2024, I want to read more Nonfiction. Last year I failed miserably and only read one nonfiction book, but this is the list of books I’d like to read.
- What Unites Us by Dan Rather
- Oath of Honor by Liz Cheney
- We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers Who Helped Win WWII by Liza Mundy
- D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win WWII by Sarah Rose
- Spare by Prince Harry
- Untamed by Glennon Doyle
- Where the Light Enters, Building a Family, Discovering Myself by Jill Biden
8) This is also a forever goal, haha. In 2024, I really want to work on being better organized, particularly when it comes to blogging ahead and with scheduling my instagram posts. I’m usually frantically writing posts the night before I want to post them and I would love to be able to get most, if not all, of my posts for the week done the weekend before.
9) Blogging More Consistently. I used to be pretty good at this, but 2023 proved super challenging with all of those tech issues. I got so frustrated and would just abandon my blog for days at a time. I wondered for a while there if it was time to dump the blog, but I still love it so much and the fact that I was mad that I couldn’t blog and interact with this community I’ve grown to love, told me I just needed to resolve the issues once and for all. With the exception of this week, which started off a little crazy (as you can tell since I’m posting my TTT post on Wednesday, haha), I’ve been trying to blog a little more consistently to make sure things are working properly. They seem to be so fingers crossed that I’ll be back on track for my weekly 3-4 blog posts.
10) I am doing the Goodreads Challenge and have set my goal at 175 books again this year. I read 210 books in 2023 and could probably replicate that this year since we have cancelled our cable TV. I stream a few shows here and there, but for the most part, I spend almost all of my downtime reading. But to keep it from being too stressful, although still challenging, I’m aiming for 175.
Do we share any bookish goals this year?