I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Apologies for my absence around the blogosphere the past few days. My son is dealing with some health issues so my blogging and blog hopping has slacked a bit while I’ve been caring for him. I’m also slightly behind on my reviews, so these two books are actually already out in the world even though I had them as ARCs. I’m still happy to share my thoughts on them with you though as they were both pretty solid mystery/thriller reads.

Author: Megan Miranda
Publication Date: July 13, 2021
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Hollow’s Edge used to be the perfect neighborhood, a quiet serene little paradise with a tight-knit community and where nothing bad ever happened. That is, until two of its residents, Brandon and Fiona Truett, were murdered, and a third resident, Ruby Fletcher, was convicted of their murders and sent to prison. The loss of their neighbors is painful for most of the residents, as is living with the guilt that many of them testified against Ruby and sent her to prison. With the shadow of those murders and the still-empty Truett house hanging over it, Hollow’s Edge has become a place no one wants to live. Tanking home values, however, have made it nearly impossible to sell their homes, so the residents are trapped. Being stuck in Hollow’s Edge is bad enough, but it takes an even worse turn when Ruby gets out of jail and returns to the neighborhood after her conviction is overturned. Why has she come back? Is she truly just looking to start over or does she have revenge on her mind?
That’s the basic premise of Megan Miranda’s latest thriller, Such a Quiet Place, and it’s a riveting one. I was glued to the pages from start to finish, trying to figure out what exactly Ruby’s motivation was for returning to the scene of the crime. She has maintained her innocence throughout so it seems odd for her to return to the place where so many people betrayed her. The story is a bit of a slow burn in terms of the suspense and the mystery, a little too slow for my liking at times, but I really enjoyed watching all of the paranoid neighbors trying to figure out what Ruby was up to and if she was out to get them. Not only that but it starts to become clear that Hollow’s Edge was never really the idyllic setting its residents made it out to be. Seems like everyone has at least a secret or two that they’re trying desperately to keep buried.
Ruby’s interactions with her former roommate, Harper Nash, were especially fascinating to me. When she returns to the neighborhood, Ruby shows up on Harper’s doorstep as if she expects to pick up where they left off before the murders. She tells Harper she has nowhere to go and Harper feels sorry for her and lets her move back in. Ruby practically takes over the place, eating Harper’s food, wearing her clothes, borrowing her car without asking, etc. It’s almost like she’s trying to push Harper as far as she can push her, even as she professes gratitude to Harper for letting her stay there. Harper starts to become as paranoid as the rest of the neighbors in thinking that Ruby is just biding her time before she makes someone pay for ruining her life.
I don’t want to give anything away about Ruby’s true motives, but I’ll just say that the story has plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing and it really gets wild starting with the neighborhood’s big Fourth of July bash. If you enjoy a slow burn mystery, with lots of secrets, lies and drama, you’ll have fun reading Such a Quiet Place. 3.5 STARS.
For Your Own Good Goodreads
Author: Samantha Downing
Publication Date: July 20, 2021
Publisher: Berkley
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
I was drawn to Samantha Downing’s latest thriller For Your Own Good because it’s set in a private school and because its synopsis promises lots of dark and twisty goodness to keep me on the edge of my seat. This book really delivers too, especially if you enjoy a little dark comedy mixed in with your murder mysteries. I was not only entertained from start to finish, but I also couldn’t have begun to predict the wild and unexpected ending even if I had tried.
Belmont Academy is a prestigious private school. Wealthy parents send their children here in hopes of best preparing them for an Ivy League education. These parents try to bully teachers into giving their children better grades, and while many teachers cave in, not Teacher of the Year, Teddy Crutcher. Teddy thinks he knows what’s best for everyone and sometimes he feels the need to teach an entitled student a lesson, bring them down a peg or two. Sometimes he extends those lessons to fellow teachers who annoy him too.
All Teddy really wants is for everyone to be their best and he wants everyone to just stay out of his way while he works to achieve his goal. Things start to get especially frustrating for Teddy when a parent unexpectedly dies at a school function and everyone at school is on edge once the death is ruled a homicide. Teddy is annoyed by this distraction since in his mind, big deal, people die every day, and he’s especially frustrated because a student he actually likes is arrested for the murder. Teddy decides that since he knows best, he needs to fix things.
It’s actually Teddy’s “fixing” of things that hilariously drive this dark and twisty tale because, even though he clearly thinks he’s a genius, the more Teddy tries to “fix” things, the worse things get. Then as if things aren’t bad enough for Teddy because of his failed “fixings”, a former student he decided to teach a lesson to has come back to town and is looking to take Teddy down.
What really made this a great read for me was Teddy, not because he was a likeable character by any stretch, but on the contrary, because I loved to hate him. He’s arrogant and obnoxious, but so delightfully diabolical with the lessons and punishments he doles out. I found him to be such a fantastic character and I enjoyed his over-the-top antics and all the twists and turns he added to the story.
I don’t want to give anything away with respect to the murder or any of the additional fallout from Teddy’s endless schemes, but if you’re looking for a read that is suspenseful, dark and twisty, yet also quite funny, be sure to check out For Your Own Good. It’s a wild ride! 4 STARS.
I’m sorry to hear about your son’s health issues – I hope he’s on the mend now!
I’ve really enjoyed Samantha Downing’s books, so I’m glad to hear this one was another winner! Teddy does sound like a very polarizing character!
Thank you!
Teddy is definitely a piece of work, lol.
Is Such a Quiet Place from multiple perspectives? Also I grabbed For Your Own Good audio and didn’t expect it to be funny so that’s good to know!
It’s definitely a dark humor but I found it pretty funny.
These both sound good, but I’m especially interested in For Your Own Good, since I’ve never read Downing’s books before. I hope your son feels better soon!
Thank you!
I was interested in Downing’s books because of the prep school setting. I am trash for that. It’s been a while since I encountered a character I love to hate. Sounds like a good one!
Right? Same here. That was my initial draw but Teddy being such a piece of work really pulled me in.
Hope your son starts feeling better soon!
Thank you!
I don’t think Megan Miranda can write anything but slow burns😏 That works well on audio and I’ve this one coming up next month.
I just LOVE to hate a character that’s written well! Just got For Your Own Good and can’t wait.
Excellent reviews, Suzanne💜
I can’t wait to hear what you think of Teddy!
I am so glad these were both good. I cannot wait to read them, especially For Your Own Good. I loved Samantha Downing’s 2 other books so this is high on my to read list.
This was my first time reading one of her books but I definitely want to go back and read her others now.
I definitely want to read For Your Own Good. It sounds fantastic, and Teddy seems like an amazing character in that love to hate way, like you said.
Teddy is really something else. I think readers will have very strong opinions about him.
I hope your son is doing okay, Suzanne.
Both of these sound pretty solid – glad you enjoyed them. Interesting to see that For Your Own Good was actually humorous in parts! I never would have expected it.
Yeah, the humor really surprised me too. That or maybe I just have a very warped sense of humor, lol.
Okay, Teddy has my attention — especially the ‘love to hate him bit’!
I just saw your latest review about “hate reading” and Teddy immediately came to mind, lol.