Top Ten Tuesday – Top 10 Books I Could Re-Read Forever
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Top Ten Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes ever since I started blogging, so huge thanks to Jana for taking over the hosting duties!
This week’s TTT topic is Top Ten Books I Could Re-Read Forever. This is going to have a few repeats from my discussion post last week where I talked about books I love to pick up when I’m in a reading slump. Books I could re-read forever would definitely fit into that category. I’d definitely say my list is a mix of old favorites when I was in school and newer favorites that I’ve read since I started blogging, so there’s a blend of the fresh and new and the nostalgic. There are magical reads, dramatic reads, and yes, I know you’ll be shocked, but even a romance or two! And yes, I also snuck a few series in there as well, one of which, The Winternight Trilogy, still has a book that hasn’t even come out yet but I can already tell it’s destined to be a favorite series of mine. 🙂
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Top 10 Books I Could Re-Read Forever

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6. THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern
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8. THE LUNAR CHRONICLES by Marissa Meyer

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That’s a nice mix up there. I am not a re-reader, but I love Pooh, Narnia, Simon, and To Kill a Mocking Bird. Did you see they are adapting TKaMB for the theatre?
Oh I did and I really hope I can see it at some point. That should be amazing!
Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, and Shades of Magic are all books I could definitely read over and over again. I could also watch the HP and P & P adaptations over and over again, lol.
I love P & P adaptations as well. Can’t go wrong with them. 🙂
ADSOM, the Lunar Chronicles and Simon VS are all SOOOO good omg. <3
Right? I love them all.
Wouldn’t it be so good if we just had lots of free time and could reread our favourite books over and over.
Great list.
Lynn 😀
That would be heavenly!
I definitely want to re read Narnia series one day. If only we had the time for it!!
Right? There is never enough time to re-read as much as I would like to.
I could always read the Harry Potter books. I also love the Lunar Chronicles, but need to read Winter. I’ve read A Darker Shade of Magic and need the other two ASAP. And Pooh!!! I love it.
I wanted to re-read Simon Vs. before the movie, but I’ve run out of time I think! Ah well, sometime soon I hope.
Oh I know, I wanted to re-read Simon too. Oh well, maybe I’ll re-read it after I see the film, lol.
We have so many in common! The Night Circus is such a beautiful book. And Harry Potter and Narnia are such comfort reads for me. I really want to reread The Lunar Chronicles this year! Great list!
I really hope to re-read The Night Circus at some point this year. It has been way too long. I keep hoping she’ll write another book too but so far nothing.
I just love Winnie the Pooh. I did enjoy the Lunar Chronicles also, and the Winternight trilogy has been on my list to read. Wonderful list.
The Winternight trilogy is fast becoming one of my favorites. I can’t wait for that last book to come out.
I’ve seen the Nightingale Winternight trilogy around but never read the blurb, it does sound interesting and I want to read Shades of Magic at some point!
They’re both so good. I really hope you enjoy them!
Yes–Pooh. Wonderful. Never fails to lift my spirits.
Pooh is the best. Such an important part of my childhood.
Absolutely YES! for THE LUNAR CHRONICLES! I love that series to pieces! I definitely want to read THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA and WINTERNIGHT TRILOGY and try again with Simon and THE SHADES OF MAGIC TRILOGY which were DNF the first time I tried 🙁
Awww, sorry to hear Simon and The Shades of Magic trilogy didn’t work out for you. It took me a few pages to get into the first book of the trilogy but then I quickly became hooked and fell in love with the characters and the setting.
This is a nice list!
I can not re-read books but I love to re-read my favorite scenes. My TTT.
Re-reading favorite scenes sounds fun too!
So many good ones here!! Night Circus, Lunar Chronicles and Simon are all ones I would totally reread at some point.
I’m really hoping to re-read The Night Circus at some point this year. It has been way too long since I’ve revisited that one.
Fantastic choices! I LOVE The Lunar Chronicles, Shades of Magic and Pride and Prejudice! I hope to read The Bear and the Nightingale soon! Have a wonderful week and happy reading!
Ooh, I hope you enjoy The Bear and the Nightingale. It surprised me how much I just fell in love with everything about it.
Totally agreed on Shades of Magic and Simon vs! Both made it to the top books of 2017 for me and I love them with all my heart. I also recently reread The Lunar Chronicles 😌
Great choices 😊
Simon is the best. I cannot wait for the film to come out. I think it’s going to be so amazing!
Oh I hadn’t seen that cover for the last book of the bear and the nightingale. i’m hoping to read the first one this month, haha.
I just noticed it the other day and got so excited. I don’t even think there’s a synopsis for it yet but I just know it’s going to be amazing!
I haven’t actually read all the HP books, but I love the movies and watch them at least once a year. One of these days I plan to sit down and read them all.
Oh yes, I rewatch all of the HP movies pretty regularly too. They seem to air on TV every year around the Christmas holidays and my son and I stop to watch every time we see one while channel surfing.
Only books I wasn’t a fan of on your list are the Lunar Chronicles and that’s just because Cinder wasn’t for me so I didn’t continue on.
Unfortunately I never read the Chronicles of Narnia, I feel like child me really missed out on something.
As for the rest of your books, I totally agree. I have definitely reread all of those!
Thanks for sharing,
~Brittany @ Brittany’s Book Rambles
Sorry The Lunar Chronicles didn’t work better for you.
Hopefully you’ll have the opportunity to read the Narnia books some day. At least The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe anyway. That one was pure magic for me when I was a kid.
Ooh Pooh! I love the Pooh books, talk about a comfort read! Narnia would fall in that category for me too… I still need to read Night Circus.
Right? Pooh was such a huge part of my childhood. I’m kind of sad that my son is too old for those now because I loved having an excuse to re-read them as often as I wanted.
To Kill A Mockingbird made my list this week too!!
Here’s a link to my TTT for this week:
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of To Kill a Mockingbird, the book or the old film.
Oh, I’m completely in agreement with The House at Pooh Corner and Pride and Prejudice. I loved the first book in the Shades of Magic trilogy and need to read the others… Thank you for sharing this list:)
I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed A Darker Shade of Magic. I think the series just gets better and better with each book too!
I’ve seen To kill a Mockingbird and Pride and Prejudice on so many lists and am reminded every time how glorious those reads were! Great list, Suzanne!
Shades of Magic and Harry Potter were both on my list this week too!
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of reading either of those.
I agree on so many of these! Especially Harry Pottery and the Chronicles of Narnia. Simon too! I STILL need to read The Shades of Magic trilogy. That’s one of those series I’m really hoping to binge at some point this year.
Oh yay, I hope you enjoy Shades of Magic as much as I did. I adored so many of the characters and the incredible worldbuilding.
I could read he majority of your list again and again and be very happy! I love that you’ve included The House at Pooh Corner! 😀
I adore Pooh. Those characters were such a huge part of my childhood. Lots of good memories 🙂
Hi! I could reread Jane Austen over and over! 🙂
Right? I love all of her books.
The Night Circus is on my list too! And Harry Potter was a default so I didn’t actually lost it. LOL
I really want to re-read The Night Circus soon. It has been way too long.
I have a feeling that when I read ACOL, I’m going to want to reread the series!
I could see it. ACOL is so good!
You know, I still have my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird from high school as it’s one of my favourites but I’ve never re-read it because I don’t really re-read. It would be an obvious pick for a list of books I will never sell, lend, or give away though lol
I don’t re-read much but that one is almost always the first one I grab if I am in the mood to re-read and yes, it will always have a place in my book collection 🙂