Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Bookish Settings I NEVER Want to Visit
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Top Ten Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes ever since I started blogging, so huge thanks to Jana for taking over the hosting duties!
This week’s TTT topic is Bookish Worlds I’d Want to/Never Want to Live In. The last time we had a similar topic I chose to go with bookish settings I’d love to visit so I figured I should do the reverse this time. This was a hard topic, mainly because – just like with character names – as soon as there’s a question about bookish worlds, I forget the setting of every book I’ve ever read. Why, self, why?! Anyway, here are ten bookish settings I finally dredged up from the depths of my brain that it’s safe to say I would never want to visit.
I think most of these are self-explanatory so I’m being a little lazy here while blogging over the holiday weekend. Generally speaking, it’s safe to say I have no interest in fire and brimstone, rocky red space settings, graveyards, any place a scary ass White Walker may turn up, prisons, dystopian societies, creepy infinite multiverses where people try to kill me and steal my life, spaceships that are actually alive and resemble enormous whales, etc. Nope, not really my cup of tea…at all.
Top 10 Bookish Settings I NEVER Want to Visit
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1. MORDOR from the Lord of the Rings trilogy
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2. AZKABAN from the Harry Potter series
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3. BLACK LONDON from the Shades of Magic series
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4. WESTEROS (especially the Far North) from A Song of Ice and Fire series (i.e. Game of Thrones)
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5. THE MULTIVERSE in Dark Matter
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6. MARS (especially not by myself) in The Martian
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7. THE GRAVEYARD from A Christmas Carol
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9. INSIDE ANY OF THE LEVIATHAN in Honor Among Thieves
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These are all very scary places. I wouldn’t want to live there either. Some of these sites are in books with places I wouldn’t mind visiting – like Hogwarts or the Shire, but some are just all bleak – The Hunger Games.
Right? I’d love to visit Hogwarts or the Shire. Those would be truly magical!
Wow, they all seem kinda creepy, and I certainly wouldn’t want to live there or visit either. Great pick.
Yeah, they are all pretty creepy to me too!
Yeah these are some good ones. I’d never want to live in these worlds, especially Westeros. No interest in seeing any whitewalkers. lol
Right? They are so freaking scary!
Oh, yeah, you have some good (bad?) ones on here – if I were stranded on a planet by myself, I don’t even know what I would do. Also, the multiverse seems like a pretty terrible place to be stuck in. I’d just give up and pick a version that seemed “okay.”
Right? I think I would to, although there weren’t many options in that book that seemed okay, lol.
Oh gosh, I’d never want to visit Azkaban or Black London either!! Too freaky.
Right! Glad I’m not the only one.
The hunger gammes is making most lists this week — most dystopias are; and I agree on Mordor and Azkhaban. I think too some historical times, while nice to read about weren’t good to or for women
I agree with you about the different historical times.
Azkaban is a good one! My list is of literary homes I’d like to live in, and I included the Weasleys’ Burrow, which seems like the direct opposite of Azkaban to me. Here’s my TTT:
I agree with you on the Burrow 🙂
Hunger games is on everyone lists! hahaha
My 12 years old daughter is insane. She wants to live in those books.
I noticed that, lol.
Awesome list! I actually would visit Mars but only after in properly colonized 🙂
My list:
I agree with you on visiting if Mars was properly colonized.
Ooh yeah definitely wouldn’t want to live in any of these!
Right? LOL.
yeeeah. None of these sound like fun places to live. LoL
Right, haha!
These are definitely creepy places I never want to end up, especially Mordor. That’s the most evil, to me.
I agree. It terrified me when I read the books and watched the films.
I shudder just thinking about some of these places. Azkaban would be one of the worst places, I can’t imagine how Sirius or anyone could survive that place. I haven’t read Honor Among Thieves yet, but wow that looks horrible and I already can tell I don’t want to go there! Awesome choices!
I agree about Azkaban. I can’t imagine much worse than being surrounded by dementors all the time.
Ooh I love this post- awesome pics. 🙂 Mordor for sure- that should be #1 on everyone’s list, can’t believe I didn’t think of it. No redeeming value to that place lol. The multiverse f/ Dark Matter- yes there definitely seemed t obe some bad/ creepy destinations through some of those doors! The Hunger Games and Westeros as well…
Right? Mordor is the worst.
Suzanne!!! I love this list! And I have to agree with most of these. Westeros though I might like to see some of it. And I’d definitely love to see other parts of that world!!
Catching up as per usual this year!!! Hope to chat soon!
I’d like to go to Westeros long enough to see a dragon or two, but then get the heck out of there, lol.
I nodded furiously along with five of these (and not with the others because I haven’t read those yet haha).
You mentioned some scary places: Azkaban and Mordor are a huge no-no to me. Too many Dementors and creepy creatures. However, I would like to visit Panem even though I’m sure I would end up dead.
Happy readings! 😉
Tânia @MyLovelySecret
Right? I know I’d end up dead too, lol.
You have some great ones here, yes about Azkaban and Mordor. Even though they aren’t worlds but more locations, I’d never want to visit Shutter Island or The Overlook Hotel from The Shining. I also wouldn’t want to live in a post apocalyptic world where there are zombies like in the Walking Dead series or in Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Or any post apocalyptic world where there is little to no hope like in The Road by Cormac McCarthy, that book really scared me.
Have a great week!
I agree with you on all of those!
Great list. I am with you on pretty much all of these.