Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Books I Really Liked When I Read Them…But Remember Nothing About Now

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Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Top Ten Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes ever since I started blogging, so huge thanks to Jana for taking over the hosting duties!
This week’s TTT topic is Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About. Scrolling back through all of the books I’ve read over the years, it was actually a little disturbing how many of them I have no recollection of reading. Sure, there are plenty of books that I’ve read and re-read and could probably quote passages from memory, but there are far more that I just draw a complete blank on when I look at them and even when I read the synopsis.
The ones I decided to mention today were especially surprising to me because I rated each of them at least 4 stars when I read them and also saved copies of them for my library, which I never do unless I love a book. So I know I loved them when I read them, but if you were to ask me what any of these were about, I couldn’t begin to tell you.
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THE THIRTEENTH TALE by Diane Setterfield
THE POISONWOOD BIBLE by Barbara Kingsolver
CUTTING FOR STONE by Abraham Verghese
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I remember talking to my co-blogger about a book, and she had read it ages ago. Yet, she remembered so many more details than me. My biggest takeaway from just about every book I read is how it made me feel. I usually can remember what I liked most about it too, but I am worthless if you want details.
That is a great way to look at reading and I think more people need to take that into account!
I agree! 🙂
I’m the same way. Even if I don’t remember much of anything that happened in a book, I could still probably tell you if it made me laugh, cry, or gave me warm fuzzies, etc.
It happens to all us readers I think, we just read so much it’s impossible to remember all the plots. I’d add The Poisonwood Bible on my list too. I just finished posting about that Gaiman book. 🙂 enjoy your Tuesday.
I agree. So many books and my brain can only hold so much information, lol.
I have experienced this too with a couple of titles. They are the ones that I usually end up rereading. Your post reminded me that I also need to read Paper Towns soon 🙂
Yes, I’d really like to be able to re-read most of these someday. I hate that I don’t remember more about them.
I was the same — I rembered how much I loved the books on my list but not enough detail. But whether that means they were good or not, I’m still not sure. I did enjoying a little bit of a trip down memory lane this TTT gave me though
I enjoyed the stroll down memory lane too. Sometimes I forget just how many books I’ve read over the years.
I think it’s a great thing if you can’t remember a book but just know that you loved it. That way you can re-read it and experience it all over again!
Good point!
Paper Towns is one where I’ve only seen the movie, haven’t read the book. I’ve been meaning to try John Green though.
I still need to watch that movie. I’ve read several of his books and have enjoyed them all.
I have not read any of these. However I want to read Ocean at the end of the lane.
I remember thinking it was magical when I read it, but I unfortunately don’t remember much else, lol.
I’ve read The Ocean at the End of the Lane and Paper Towns from your list. I remember random details about both. But yeah, there are probably a lot of books I read and really enjoyed, yet I can’t tell you anything about them now. LOL The hazard of reading so much I guess!
Yes, The Light Between Oceans! I barely remember that. And I just finished reading One Plus One and I’m already forgetting it. Honestly, the beginning was so hard to get through, I was forgetting things as I was reading it.
Yeah I remember certain books so much better than others. Even ones I loved. I really liked One Plus One and *think* I remember it lol.
I remember the bit about the one character starting a blog to find his tribe and that’s pretty much it, lol.
I haven’t read any of these but I watched The Light Between Oceans and OMG it was so good, not at all how I thought it would go.
Oh, I still need to watch that. I had actually forgot it had been made into a movie.
I think with as many books as we read , it happens a lot. I’ve re-read a couple of series, so there are a few at least that Info remember more about . ☺
Right? So many books and our brains can only hold so much info.
Now that I think about it, I don’t remember anything about The Ocean at the End of the Lane or The Thirteenth Tale either! It is totally bothersome when I realize how little I remember, but then I just remind myself that hey, we all read a lot of books and we can’t be expected to remember everything! Plus, I realized that sometimes I like it because then it’s almost like I can completely re-read the book as if it’s new.
Right? Good point!
It’s funny how we can remember close to nothing about what happened in a book, but remember how we felt while reading it 🙂 But it only really bothers me when it’s a series and I need to re-read or get confused reading the next book. For stand-alones I don’t dislike it, because if I remember loving it but not much else it means I can re-live my reading experience 🙂
I agree. The series ones definitely bother me more. I think that’s one of the reasons why I sometime put off reading series until more than one book is out.
I want to check out One Plus One so badly, especially because I LOVE Jojo Moyes’ books 👏
Here’s my TTT if you want to give it a look:
I’ve enjoyed all of the ones I’ve read so far. I wish I remembered this one better but maybe I’ll reread it at some point and enjoy it all over again 🙂
I do get irritated when I can’t remember anything about a book. As long as I can remember the main idea and how it made me feel, I’m okay. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Same here.
The Poisonwood Bible is on my tbr list and Ocean at the end of the Lane is one of my favourite books of the last five years. Haven’t read the others…oh wait Paper Towns! Wasn’t a big fan of that one. Will have to check the others out!
I want to re-read The Poisonwood Bible some day because even though I don’t remember the plot, I remember how moving I thought the book was.