Can’t Wait Wednesday – BEST SERVED HOT by Amanda Elliot


“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, which encourages fellow bloggers to spotlight upcoming releases that we’re excited about.  It is a meme that I have  loved participating in since I first started blogging, but as Jill is no longer actively posting, from now on I’ll be linking to Can’t Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, which is a spinoff of the original WoW meme.

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My selection for this week is BEST SERVED HOT by Amanda Elliot.  I really enjoyed this author’s last book, Sadie on a Plate, which also featured main characters who were foodies.  I don’t know if foodie rom-com is technically a genre, but I’m here for all the foodie romance books!


BEST SERVED HOT by Amanda Elliot

Publication Date:  February 1, 2023 by Berkley Romance

From Goodreads:


“Two restaurant critics learn their opposing tastes might make for a five-star relationship in this foodie romantic comedy. By day, Julie Zimmerman works as an executive assistant. After hours, she’s @JulieZeeEatsNYC, a social media restaurant reviewer with over fifty thousand followers. As much as she loves her self-employed side gig, what Julie really wants is to be a critic at a major newspaper, like the New York Scroll. The only thing worse than the Scroll’s rejection of her application is the fact that smarmy, social-media-averse society boy Bennett Richard Macalester Wright snagged her dream job. While at the Central Park Food Festival, Julie confronts the annoyingly handsome Bennett about his outdated opinions on social media and posts the resulting video footage. Julie’s follower count soars-and so does the Scroll’s. Julie and Bennett grudgingly agree to partner up for a few reviews to further their buzz. Online buzz, obviously. Over tapas, burgers, and more, Julie and Bennett connect over their shared love of food. But when the competitive fire between them turns extra spicy, they’ll have to decide how much heat their relationship can take”–



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I’d love to hear what upcoming book releases you’re waiting on this Wednesday? Leave me your link in the comments below and I’ll stop by and check out your CWW selection for this week. 🙂

9 replies
  1. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    Best Served Hot has such a fun premise. I can just imagine the conversations they have. I will be looking for this one when it comes out. I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

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