Reviews: The Break-Up Book Club & Talk Bookish to Me
I’ve got a totally bookish theme going on for today’s reviews. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on a book about a most delightful book club and on a book that features a romance author desperately seeking inspiration for her new book. Fun times!

Author: Wendy Wax
Publication Date: May 18, 2021
Publisher: Berkley Books
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
I couldn’t resist a chance to read a book about a book club so I was excited to dive into Wendy Wax’s new novel, The Break-Up Book Club. The story follows four women of different generations whose lives have been turned upside down by the men they love. They each go to their local book club’s meetings in hopes of finding a distraction from their problems, but what they find is so much more. There’s nothing quite like the healing power of good friends and good books.
The story is told from the perspectives of these four women. I really like how the author chose to present their stories, with us following each woman’s individual journey but also having them come together regularly at their book club meetings. There’s Sara, whose husband is always out of town for work which leaves her saddled with Dorothy, her incredibly difficult mother-in-law who has been living with them. There’s Judith, whose children have grown up and moved out, leaving her at home alone to ponder the state of her marriage and how she feels like nothing but a supporting player in her husband’s life. Rounding out the main cast of characters are Jazmine and Erin, who work together at a sports agency. Jazmine is an agent and a single mom, trying to make it in an arrogant man’s world, and her young assistant, Erin, has just been dumped by her high school sweetheart less than a week before they were supposed to get married. I really liked all of the main characters and found them all to be quite sympathetic.
I also really enjoyed all of the secondary characters as well. The members of the book club are a fun, diverse, and quirky bunch and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting in on their meetings. There’s always good food and wine, a spirited debate about whatever book they’ve read, and there’s also a fun contest to finally give their little club a name that really brings out the competitive side of these book lovers. I loved watching the friendships blossom within the club and just how therapeutic these relationships become over time for Jazmine, Erin, Judith, and Sara. The book club is basically their “found” family, which just made this such a feel good read.
If you’re in the mood for an uplifting read about the power of friendship and community that will leave you with a smile on your face, you’ll definitely want to check out The Break-Up Book Club. 4 STARS
Talk Bookish to Me Goodreads
Author: Kate Bromley
Publication Date: May 25, 2021
Publisher: Graydon House
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Kate Bromley’s debut novel Talk Bookish to Me is a contemporary romance that was irresistible to me because it features so many of my favorite things. It’s set, first in Manhattan and then later in Italy, it features a romance author as the protagonist, and it’s equal parts enemies-to-lovers and second chance romance. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you can see this book practically has my name written all over it. Talk Bookish to Me didn’t disappoint either. It’s filled with loveable characters, witty and hilarious banter, some seriously intense chemistry, and, as if all of that isn’t enough, there’s also an adorable bulldog named Duke.
The story follows Kara Sullivan, who is a romance writer with no inspiration to write. With the deadline for her latest novel fast approaching, Kara needs to find the spark that will get her writing mojo back on track. That spark unexpectedly appears in the form of her ex-boyfriend, Ryan, who she runs into because he is in town for their friend’s wedding. Kara and Ryan parted on bad terms ten years ago and after this tense and awkward reunion, Kara is suddenly able to crank out a few chapters for her book. When Ryan’s dog, Duke, destroys their hotel room and gets Ryan kicked out, Kara surprises herself and offers to let Ryan and Duke stay at her place. Her thought behind this crazy idea is that if she continues to trade barbs with Ryan, perhaps she’ll be inspired enough to actually get her book written on time. What could possibly go wrong?
I had so much fun reading this book. I loved Kara right away and found her so relatable. She’s fun, sweet, quirky, and not only is she an author, she also loves to take photos of books and post them on Bookstagram. In many ways she felt like a kindred spirit. She’s also carrying around some pretty heavy emotional baggage involving her father’s death that put me in her corner rooting for her all the more.
Ryan is a great character too. I loved watching him with his dog and his banter with Kara is just so entertaining. It’s clear from the moment they reconnect that he still cares for her and would love a second chance. The more I watched them interact, the more I wanted him to get that second chance as well. I will say there was one moment where I really wanted to kick his butt and wanted Kara to kick it as well, but he eventually digs himself out of that hole and then I was rooting for the two of them to get their long-postponed happily ever after.
I also enjoyed the way the author gave us Ryan and Kara’s journey but also mixed in chapters from Kara’s book as she was writing it. It was fun to see what her interactions with Ryan inspired her to write each step of the way.
Talk Bookish to Me is a fun and sexy read that is sure to please romance fans. 4 STARS
These both sound like great reads – I’m always up for bookish/author characters!
Me too! 🙂
Talk Bookish to Me made me smile 😄 esp the thought of Kara trading barbs with Ryan to get inspired! That sounds hilarious!
It was pretty amusing. I initially cracked up even just at the thought of her using her ex like that.
I’ve both on audio as I thought that first one would be ideal in this format. Excellent reviews, Suzanne💜 You’ve highlighted what I was hoping to find.
I hope they’re both wonderful reads for you!
The Breakup Book Club sounds like my kind of read! I love the title for Talk Bookish to Me. I’m glad you enjoyed both!
They were both a lot of fun!
I think both of these sound like a bunch of fun! I can’t even pick which one I would be more likely to read, probably because they both involve books😁
Right? I love books about books, lol.
Glad to see you really enjoyed both of these. I do love a good book about books. I’m curious about the Break Up Book Club!
I love books about books too so these were a lot of fun for me, especially the second one when the main characters talks about staging her bookstagram photos. So relatable. 🙂
Talk Bookish to Me is one I really hope to read. I don’t know if I knew it was a second chance romance, but that makes it appeal to me even more. I have to admit, the plot sounds a little like Beach Read. Is it me? (romance writer with not inspiration, baggage regarding father)
It did remind me a little of Beach Read, which might explain why I enjoyed it so much. 🙂
I just discovered The Break-Up Book Club this morning! How did I miss it??? I have Talk Bookish to Me coming up, so I’m happy to see you enjoyed it. Lovely reviews!
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬
I hope you enjoy Talk Bookish to Me. 🙂
Fantastic reviews of books I think I would enjoy!
They both sound great.. I have the first one on my TBR.. and I love the title of the second.
I hope you enjoy The Break-Up Book Club as much as I did. 🙂
Talk Bookish To Me is the one I really want to read!
It’s a fun one. I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
Aww both of these sound like such fun reads! I love the found family aspect of The Break Up Book Club and the enemies-to-lovers/second chance romance aspect of Talk Bookish To Me.
They both had so many of my favorite story elements. I felt like I hit the jackpot. 🙂
I have both of these books on my wish list and am so excited to see you enjoyed them! I cannot resist books with bookish tie-ins.
I can’t resist them either. 🙂