Can’t Wait Wednesday – DEAR JUSTYCE by Nic Stone


“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, which encourages fellow bloggers to spotlight upcoming releases that we’re excited about.  It is a meme that I have  loved participating in for over a year now, but as Jill is no longer actively posting, from now on I’ll be linking to Can’t Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, which is a spinoff of the original WoW meme.

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My selection for this week is DEAR JUSTYCE by Nic Stone.  If you saw my Can’t Wait Wednesday post from last week, you know I was just talking about how Nic Stone’s novel, Dear Martin, was one of my favorite reads from 2017.  Well, imagine my excitement when I was scrolling through Netgalley a couple days later and saw that there’s actually a sequel to Dear Martin coming out this fall.  It also sounds like it’s going to be just as moving, timely, and powerful a read as the first book in the series.



Publication Date:  September 29, 2020


From Goodreads:

In the stunning and hard-hitting sequel to the New York Times bestseller Dear Martin, incarcerated teen Quan writes letters to Justyce about his experiences in the American prison system.

Shortly after teenager Quan enters a not guilty plea for the shooting death of a police officer, he is placed in a holding cell to await trial. Through a series of flashbacks and letters to Justyce, the protagonist of Dear Martin, Quan’s story unravels.

From a troubled childhood and bad timing to a coerced confession and prejudiced police work, Nic Stone’s newest novel takes an unflinching look at the flawed practices and ideologies that discriminate against African American boys and minorities in the American justice system.



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I’d love to hear what upcoming book releases you’re waiting on this Wednesday? Leave me your link in the comments below and I’ll stop by and check out your CWW selection for this week. 🙂

26 replies
  1. verushka
    verushka says:

    I didn’t realise Dear Martin has a sequel either — and just as unflinching as the first title from the sounds of it.

  2. sjhigbee
    sjhigbee says:

    It’s always lovely when a sequel suddenly surfaces to a book that left a huge impression – and I’m delighted you have just had the pleasure of this one. I hope it is every bit as good as Dear Martin, Suzanne:))

  3. Vi @Inkvotary
    Vi @Inkvotary says:

    I had to look twice at the cover to see the prison fence. What an impression! I have not read Dear Martin but I think it is about time to do so. Thank you for sharing and stay safe and well.

  4. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    I haven’t read the prior book in this world, but I have read two other Nic Stone books, and they were both great. Hope this is a winner for you.

  5. Barb @ Booker T's Farm
    Barb @ Booker T's Farm says:

    I loved Dear Martin too. In fact, I read it before I read The Hate U Give and I have to admit I think I still like Dear Martin better. I have an arc of this one and can’t wait!

  6. lisa thomson
    lisa thomson says:

    This looks timely and interesting. I look forward to your review, Suzanne. I just started Hawaii by James A Michener. So, if I had picked this book up in person I never would have bought it—LOL. But I ordered it online because I was determined that I should read a Michener novel before I die. I might die trying though. I am already longing for some lighter/shorter reads for summer.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Oh gosh, yes his books are absolute bricks. I’ve always heard good things about them but just seeing the size puts me off.

  7. Literary Feline
    Literary Feline says:

    I really liked Dear Martin and am looking forward to reading this one too. It sounds like a heartbreaking but must read. I hope you love it when you read it, Suzanne!

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