Review: 29 SECONDS by T.M. Logan
Also by this author: Lies
Published by St. Martin's Press on September 10, 2019
Genres: Thriller, Fiction
Pages: 368
Source: Netgalley
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FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
29 SECONDS Review
Wow, what a book! T.M. Logan’s latest novel 29 Seconds follows Dr. Sarah Haywood, who is a contracted member of a university faculty. Sarah is a shining star in her department, but one person stands in the way of her getting the permanent position with the university she so desperately desires…her boss. Alan Hawthorne, an esteemed professor and a TV host to boot, is a pig. He’s so awful that the women who work with him have an established set of rules as to how to interact with him, with the number one rule being to never, ever be alone with him. He dangles promotions in exchange for sexual favors or threatens to ruin careers if a woman chooses not to participate in such acts.
When the novel opens, Sarah is clearly in Hawthorne’s crosshairs and he is making her life a living hell every day with endless uncomfortable encounters and veiled threats. The workplace is completely toxic but any woman who leaves the staff finds herself black-listed in the academic world, also courtesy of Hawthorne. The author does a wonderful job of making Sarah a sympathetic character. She’s clearly the underdog in an impossible situation and I was immediately rooting for her to find a way to beat this monster and get that promotion.
A chance encounter with another powerful and dangerous man presents her with the unexpected opportunity to make one person disappear. It’s the answer to Sarah’s prayers, but can she really bring herself to do it? This moral dilemma that Sarah faces is the most compelling element of the story for me, and it’s what makes the novel so suspenseful. Will she or won’t she? How far can Hawthorne push and threaten her before she snaps?
I loved reading Sarah’s internal thoughts as she struggled with her decision. She’s so tempted but she’s also flat out horrified at herself for even considering it. I can’t even imagine working for such a monster that such a thing would be a temptation, but at the same time, the whole situation had me a little surprised and horrified at myself because I found myself kind of hoping she would just go for it. It really gave me something to think about and I love it when a book can do that.
T.M. Logan’s 29 Seconds is a wild ride! I devoured it in less than 24 hours. Filled with suspense and exciting twists and turns, it’s a book I simply could not put down until I knew how it was going to end. And what an ending it is! I totally did not see it coming, which for me, is the hallmark of a great thriller.
Give me one name. One person. And I will make them disappear . . .
When Sarah rescues a young girl in trouble, she expects nothing in return. But her act of bravery puts a powerful and dangerous man in her debt. He lives by his own brutal code, and all debts must be repaid – in the only way he knows how.
He offers Sarah a way to solve a desperate situation with her intolerable boss. A once-in-a-lifetime deal that will make all her problems disappear.
No consequences. No comeback. No chance of being found out.
All it takes is a 29 second phone call.
Because everyone has a name to give. Don’t they?
I don’t know if it’s the time of year or what, but I am definitely more into thrillers lately and this sounds like a good one!
I love to read thrillers in the fall!
This sounds amazing! I’ve read a few other reviews similar to yours, so I am definitely adding this to the list
It’s a wild ride!
Lovely review. Again, not so much my cup of tea but a recommendation I’ll definitely pass along to a friend who will probably love it.
Wasn’t her her boss just awful!? I’m glad you enjoy this one!
He was the absolute worst!
I always love a book that can have me supporting what I would normally reject/abhor. That takes skill and it sounds like Logan nailed it!
Yeah, he really did!
OMG Suzanne yes all the inner conflict and turmoil!!!
Right? It was crazy!
Yes, I love a surprise ending! Sarah really has a difficult decision to make – I don’t know which way I would go!
Right? I felt the same way!
Wow, this sounds intense! I love a great twist ending! Thanks for sharing
Yeah, it was super intense and I totally did not see the ending coming.
When I first saw this blurb, I must admit I thought I had it figured out and clearly I was dead wrong bc this sound fantastic — give me ALL the twists!
Haha, I did the exact same thing when I first read the blurb!
I ate this up, too, Suzanne! Wonderful capture of the essence of the story.
Thank you!
Oooh! I’m going to have to check this out!
If you do, I hope you enjoy it!