Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Fictional Characters I’d Like to Switch Places with for a Day


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.  Top Ten Tuesday has been one of my favorite memes ever since I started blogging, so huge thanks to Jana for taking over the hosting duties!

This week’s TTT topic is Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With.  I tweaked this topic a little, mainly just because I couldn’t think of any characters I’d want to permanently switch places with.  I could think of plenty of characters I’d love to switch places with for a day though, just to walk in their shoes for a bit, so to speak. And as you can tell from my list, apparently I just really want to be a badass, even if it’s just for a day, haha!


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10 Fictional Characters I’d Like to Switch Places with for a Day


1. HERMIONE GRANGER from the Harry Potter series

Oh, to be as smart and quick witted as Hermione, even if it’s just for one day!


2. MINERVA MCGONAGALL, also from the Harry Potter series

There’s something about Professor McGonagal that just always makes me feel like it would be so cool to be her.

I think it’s that combination of being feared, revered, and yet still beloved by her students.


3. EMIKA CHEN from Warcross

I’d just love to be able to play in the Warcross Games. Plus, Emika’s hacking skills would be pretty great too.


4. ART3MIS from Ready Player One

Again, it’s a video game thing.  I’d just love to play in the Oasis for a day and be a total badass like Art3mis.


5. DIANA from Wonder Woman: Warbringer

I mean, seriously.  Who wouldn’t want to be a superhero for a day?


6. LILA BARD from the Shades of Magic trilogy

Pirate for a day?  Yes, please!


7. DAENERYS TARGARYEN from the A Song of Ice and Fire series

Again, just for a day and mainly because I want to fly on a dragon’s back and call myself the Mother of Dragons, lol.


8. NANCY DREW from the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories

This one is mainly for the nostalgia factor since she’s a childhood favorite.  And oh, to have her amazing detective skills.


9. ROBERT LANGDON from The Da Vinci Code

If I’m not being a badass for a day, I’m apparently drawn to characters who are intelligent and skilled at following clues

because I’d love to have Langdon’s ability to solve seemingly impossible puzzles, even just for a day.


10. JO MARCH from Little Women

Another childhood favorite, Jo is probably the only character I’d want to switch places with for more than a day,

simply because she becomes a writer, and oh what a dream come true that would be.


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What characters would you like to trade places with for a day?  Do we share any?

38 replies
  1. lisa thomson
    lisa thomson says:

    Great list, Suzanne! #1—yes! I wouldn’t mind being Stephanie Plum for a day LOL. I’d also love to be Claire Randall from ‘Outlander’. Or maybe Scout Finch just because the whole world was a wonderment and mystery to her.

  2. Lindsi
    Lindsi says:

    I think we would all love to ride on the back of a dragon and be referred to as the Mother of Dragons! I could do without all the war and fighting though. Also, before she was riding dragons, she was on a horse all the time, which does not sound fun. Especially in the desert! I think I’d enjoy being Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  3. Brittany
    Brittany says:

    Oooh let’s be Pirates for a day! Maybe we could be pirates who own Dragons! And can do magic!! That would be sooooo cool <3 Great list 😀

  4. Sam@wlabb
    Sam@wlabb says:

    Nancy Drew was one smart cookie, and I adored her. And playing games professionally would be a great job, if people weren’t plotting to take me down the whole time.

  5. Greg
    Greg says:

    Emika for sure. I want to play Warcross! And daenerys as well just for that dragon riding thing.

    Also Nancy Drew- I love those old mysteries!

  6. Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight says:

    See, I wouldn’t want to switch places with a badass because I’m not badass, and I’d just end up terrified/injured/dead lol. But if it were only for a day, and it were a day when nothing terrible was happening, then it’d be ok 😛 Fun list!

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Right?! Not dying is high on my list too, which is why I said I’d only want to trade places for a day. Figured that would bump up my odds of survival in the HP world, lol.

    • Suzanne
      Suzanne says:

      Oooh, yes. Luna is a great one. I think I could have probably written a top 10 of just Harry Potter characters I’d like to swap places with for a day.

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