Top Ten Tuesday – Top 10 Hidden Gems in YA Fiction
Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Ten Hidden Gem Books in X Genre: Pick a genre and share with us some books that have gone under the radar in that genre!
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I chose to use a broad brush when selecting books for this topic and just went with Young Adult Hidden Gems in general. I included several contemporary reads that I loved but it seems like not many others have read yet, as well as a couple of fantasy reads, and at least one historical fiction. I did cheat a bit with my last three entries (sorry!) and have written little explanations for each cheat below. Can’t wait to see what hidden gems others have come up with. I feel like this is one of those TTT topics that is going to cause my TBR pile to grow even taller!
Top 10 Hidden Gems in Young Adult Fiction
1. WORDS IN DEEP BLUE by Cath Crowley
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2. THE MEMORY OF THINGS by Gae Polisner
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3. WE ARE STILL TORNADOES by Michael Kun & Susan Mullen
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4. ZENN DIAGRAM by Wendy Brant
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5. HOW TO MAKE A WISH by Ashley Herring Blake
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7. AIR AWAKENS by Elise Kova
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Okay, I’m kind of cheating on this one. It’s John Green so how hidden is it really? But I chose it because out of all of his books, it seems to be the one that gets the least amount of attention even though, for me anyway, it was just as good a read as any of his other books.
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I’m cheating on this one a bit as well, considering it’s just now coming out. It’s a fabulous read (Check out my 5-star review) and yet it just doesn’t seem to be generating as much buzz as I would have expected it to.
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10. LETTERS TO THE LOST by Brigid Kemmerer

And here’s me cheating one last time with a book I haven’t even read yet. This is one of my most anticipated releases for the year and I’ve read several great reviews for it, but it still doesn’t seem to be getting nearly the attention it should.
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I do like the look of Letters to the Lost even though it’s a cheat! That title definitely grabs my attention. I’ve heard good things about Abundance of Katherines. It’s always funny what book doesn’t get as much attention as it should! Some of my favorite books by well known authors are their least known books.
Same here and I’m constantly recommending them to people if I see them reading the more popular works, lol.
An Abundance of Katherines does seem to get ignored the most, out of all John Green novels. I know all of these but i havent read any of them except Katherines! Nice list. 🙂
My two choices would be Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert and Willow by Julia Hoban (it did well when it came out, but nowadays I think people forget about it).
Both of those titles are new to me, so I’ll have to check them out. It’s always sad when great books seem to just fade into the background.
Great list. I agree about A Tragic Kind of Wonderful. A few of these are on my TBR I just haven’t gotten to them yet.
I hope you enjoy them when you read them 🙂
I have a friend that read “Letters to the Lost” and absolutely loved it. The plot really intrigued me and I added it to my TBR, but I just don`t know when I`ll get the time to read it.
Same here. I’ve read so many wonderful reviews about it. I have it on hold at the library but they only have one copy so who knows when I’ll actually get it. Hopefully soon!
I really enjoyed Zenn Diagram. I have a few of these on my TBR – Words in Deep Blue, We are Still Tornadoes and A Tragic Kind of Wonderful. Great list!
Zenn Diagram was so great. I would love to see more people show that book some love. I hope you enjoy the rest of these when you get to read them 🙂
Love Letters to the Lost is my wishlist, it sounds like such a good read. The rest of the list I have read, but I do need to check them apparently. 🙂
I keep hearing really great things about Letters to the Lost so hopefully you’ll enjoy it 🙂
I’ve been reluctant to pick up Air Awakens for a long time, even though it’s been on my TBR ! So many books are being released so fast 😭 I’ve seen both An Abundance of Katherines and Letters to the Lost at the library, hesitated for 30 minutes and decided not to choose either of them xD I’ll be moving up Air Awakens on my TBR if it is indeed a hidden gem !
Here’s my TTT:
I know, right? My TBR is growing way faster than I’m putting a dent in it, lol.
Air awakens and Words in deep blue look really interesting! I need to see if they’re on my TBR. Great list!! I did one on YA this week too if you want to check it out 🙂
My TTT:Hidden Gems in YA
Can’t wait to check out your list! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Great list! Most of these are on my TBR, so I’ll just need to get to them sooner, such as Air Awakens, Words in Deep Blue, Zenn-Diagram and How To Make A Wish!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy them 🙂
What a great list! The only one I know much about is Air Awakens ( and I completely forgot I wanted to read it, so I’m really glad you reminded me). I’ll have to look into these, I’m always hopeful to find more YA books I enjoy. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome!
I used to love YA, but I’ve found I’m really iffy with it lately and maybe that’s because I read a lot of hype titles – I’ll have to give some of these a try. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I actually feel like I have better luck with the titles that fly under the radar. Less chance to overhype them in my head, I guess, lol.
Saw good things about Words in Deep Blue. The Girl With The Red Balloon looks great, I just saw the author on Twitter.
Yeah, those were both great reads for me. Very different from what I’m used to.
I did the same thing this week, general YA hidden gems, as I couldn’t find enough for one specific genre in general. I’ve heard of a few of these but haven’t read any of them.
Can’t wait to check out your list 🙂
Zenn Diagram was on my list too. It was such a lovely book. You have my fave John Green book on your list!!! It is the most underrated of his books, and I have no idea why. Just Hassan is reason enough to love that book. We Are Still Tornados is one of my top 2016 reads. Such an awesome story of love and friendship. *feels* Words in Deep Blue is one of my top 2017 books (and so begins my Cath Crowley obsession). Letters to the Lost, Air Awakens – fabulous! The Girl with the Red Balloon was great too. I love this list!
I’m so glad to find someone else who enjoyed We Are Still Tornadoes! I saw so few reviews of it when it first came out and I just thought it was such a well done story.
I’ve only heard of a few of these, so they definitely are some hidden gems! Nice list!
I totally agree about Letters to the Lost, it was so beautiful! All of the others sound really great as well, especially Words in Deep Blue. Great post!
Rekha @ Million Book Mill
We Are Still Tornadoes sounds like a very interesting read. I love the title as well.
Here is our TTT
I really enjoyed it 🙂
Okay, I have Elise Kova on my TBR! Now I really have to read it!!!! Lovely list.
I really need to finish that series because I hear the Alchemists of Loom series is even better than this one.
What a great list! I haven’t heard of most of these, I’m afraid. I guess that’s why they are called hidden gems, eh? I have read AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES, which I loved. I need to read more by John Green. I’ve only read that one and THE FAULT IN OUR STARS. LETTERS TO THE LOST especially sounds good to me. I’ll have to add that one to my wish list along with several of the others. Thanks for sharing! I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
If you end up reading any of these, I hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful weekend!