Top 10 Book Bloggers You Should Be Following (If You’re Not Already)


We’re still a couple of weeks away from the return of Top Ten Tuesday, which is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  While waiting for their return, I’ve continued looking through their archives to see if any of the topics they had covered prior to my joining were of interest.  This week the topic that caught my eye was basically a blogger spotlight, which I thought was a fantastic idea.  It was hard to pick just ten for this list because there are so many fabulous blogs out there. I could have easily done a top 50 and still felt like I was leaving people out.

That said, these 10 blogs are blogs that I try to visit as often as possible, no matter how busy I am.  I enjoy the people who run these blogs because they’re all always so kind and so supportive of their fellow bloggers and I enjoy visiting their blogs because they are always packed with interesting content that appeals to me.  I highly recommend each of them if you haven’t yet discovered their blogs.


Top 10 Book Bloggers You Should Be Following (If You Aren’t Already)



I love visiting The Book Satchel for several reasons:  1) Resh always posts such thought-provoking reviews on the books she reads, 2) She reads many books from a variety of genres and she often reads books that I haven’t heard of before, so I’m always adding new books to my TBR after visiting, and 3) Resh also takes some of the most gorgeous book photos I’ve seen so it’s always a treat to see new photos.


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Rebel Mommy Book Blog is another favorite of mine.  Grace reads and reviews a lot of contemporary novels, and since contemporary is a fairly new interest of mine, I love seeing what books she recommends.  She also participates in blog tours, does some fun bookish memes, and even occasionally posts about her TV interests, so it’s always very entertaining to visit because of the variety of posts.


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I enjoy visiting Angela’s blog, not just because of her insightful book reviews, but also because she often posts about interesting trips she has taken.  I like that added personal touch because it helps to get to know the person behind the blog.  I also think Angela’s blog is especially great because she has really come on strong this year with lots of interesting discussion posts as well as a fun new feature of her own called Quotables.


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Greg’s Book Haven is such a great blog.  It’s filled with book reviews from a variety of genres and so much more.  If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, you have to stop by and check out his fantastic GoT discussion posts and episode reviews.  Greg also posts creative writing on his blog and it’s incredible.  I highly recommend checking out his current writing project, ‘On the Run.’  I get so excited every time I visit and there’s a new installment up.


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Verushka’s blog is so much fun to visit.  I love the thought-provoking questions that she always poses to her readers in each post and her reviews are always so entertaining and enthusiastic.  Verushka also reviews quite a lot of fiction from Australian authors.  I’m not familiar with many Australian authors or their works so I love learning about them and of course adding tons of new books to my TBR.


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Birdie Bookworm is another of my favorite blogs.  I love the variety of books Wendy reads and I also love all of the features she has on her blog.  A couple of my favorites are 1) Baby Chick Picks where she features books that her daughter has read and reviewed.  I just think is wonderful on so many levels, and 2) Flights of Fancy, which are excellent discussion posts on a variety of unique topics such as comparing herself to YA parents.


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I love visiting Di’s blog for a number of reasons:  1) She writes such honest yet persuasive book reviews that she can talk me into reading books that I never would have considered reading.  Since I had already read Six of Crows, I had planned to bypass The Grisha Trilogy until I read Di’s reviews.  Now I can’t get to that series fast enough!  2) I’m also a big fan of the Blog Squad – Blogger Collaboration series of discussion posts that she does with two other excellent book bloggers, Amy at A Magical World of Words and Uma at Books. Bags. Burgers.  I look forward to these collaborations because the topics are always interesting and very easy to relate to, and I love reading each blogger’s point of view on their topic of choice.


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Bionic Bookworm is another fun blog to visit.  You can count on Bionic Bookworm for honest and insightful reviews that are also spoiler free, and Shanah also takes part in several fun bookish memes and shares her wonderful book hauls.  She also has a fun Top 5 Tuesday feature on her blog as well as a Blogger Spotlight, where she features some of her favorite blogs.  Since she shares her love for other blogs on a regular basis, I like being able to shine the spotlight on her blog this time.


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I enjoy visiting Lauren’s blog because of the fantastic variety of posts that she has. Of course there are always plenty of great book reviews, mostly YA and middle grade, but also some adult.  I like to read a variety of books myself so it’s always fun to look to Lauren’s blog for book recs.  In addition to the book reviews though, there are also movie reviews, guest posts, product reviews, giveaways, and even some personal posts.  There’s always such a wonderful variety so I look forward to stopping by and seeing what’s new.


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Even though Lindsey is on a semi-hiatus right now as she settles in to her new job, I still wanted to spotlight her blog since it’s another favorite of mine because Lindsey shares not just her love of books, but also her love of music.  As much as I love reading her reviews and tag posts, I also really enjoy it every time she shares some of her passion for music with her readers.  I look forward to her return to her blog.

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Question: Who are some bloggers you think everyone should be following?

24 replies
  1. Angela
    Angela says:

    Thank you so much, Suzanne!! I’m so glad that you’ve been enjoying my little blog! I really enjoy reading all of your posts, as well, especially your reviews (they are so well-written!).

  2. Jordan Rose
    Jordan Rose says:

    Oh this is perfect timing! I’ve been really wanting to find more book blogs to follow, but didn’t know where to look, so this is a wonderful list. 🙂 The only one I already know is Greg’s Book Haven (which is fantastic!), so I’ve got some blogs to look up! 😀

  3. Wendy @ Birdie Bookworm
    Wendy @ Birdie Bookworm says:

    I followed a few of these already, but most of them are completely new to me. This was an excellent choice for a Top Ten Tuesday, and thank you so much for including Birdie Bookworm. I’ll need to get my daughter on her next selection! 🙂

  4. Greg Hill
    Greg Hill says:

    Thank you Suzanne! I’m honored you included me, I love visiting your blog as well! Most of the other blogs on this list I know about and love, but a couple are new to me, and I’ll definitely be checking them out!

  5. Lauren Becker
    Lauren Becker says:

    AW, thank you! I love your blog too – it’s one I definitely keep up with. You have some great bloggers on here – and others I need to check out. 🙂

  6. sydneyeditor1
    sydneyeditor1 says:

    SUZANNE , you are such a gem to include me in the list of such awesome bloggers! Thank you so much! (And also, thank you for this list, because now I have some new blogs to visit! )

  7. Di @ Book Reviews by Di
    Di @ Book Reviews by Di says:

    OH! There’s ME!!!! **blushing**

    Suzanne, you are so sweet!

    I love posts like this because there’s always someone that I haven’t visited yet and I can’t wait to visit everyone else on this list. **bookmarking**

    There are a few here that I do know and visit regularly – I love Angela’s blog, Greg’s blog (and his latest flash fiction posts!), Verushka and Lindsey.

    The Blog Squad has been one of my favourite things I’ve done when it comes to book blogging – working with Amy and Uma has been so much fun and we always have such great discussions between ourselves and I love reading their answers too! It’s always nice to get another blogger’s opinion on stuff and being able to collaborate on these posts is just amazing!

    Also – I’m so glad I have convinced you to read a couple of books! 😉 I can’t wait to see how the Grisha trilogy sits with you.

    Thanks again and I hope you’re having a great week!

  8. Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads
    Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads says:

    OMG thank you so much for featuring me Suzanne! You’re too nice! I’m super happy that you’re enjoying my blog posts as much as I’m enjoying yours 🙂

    And I love so many of the other blogs on this list so it’s super to be in such good company 😉 There are a few I didn’t know yet so I’ll have to check them out right away!

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