I’ve got two great YA fantasies to share with you today. The first is a hilarious new superhero story from T.J. Klune. This was my first time reading one of Klune’s novels and it did not disappoint! The second is an entertaining and fresh take on the beloved fairytale, Cinderella.

Author: T.J. Klune
Publication Date: July 14, 2020
Publisher: Tor Teen
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
T.J. Klune’s YA debut, The Extraordinaries, is one of the most laugh-out loud funny books I’ve read in a long time. A cross between Marissa Meyers’ Renegades and Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, The Extraordinaries follows Nick, a gay teen and popular fanfiction writer who writes stories for the Extraordinaries superhero fandom. Nick’s fanfiction centers around Shadow Star, the Extraordinary he has a major crush on. Nick dreams of meeting Shadow Star and winning his affections, and Nick’s dream only increases when against all odds, he has a chance meeting with Shadow Star, that leaves him utterly awestruck and formulating a hilarious yet slightly unrealistic plan as to how he too can become a superhero so he and Shadow Star can be a real team and live happily ever after.
Nick and his “adorkableness” are really what made me love this book. His nerdy crush on Shadow Star is just adorable, as is his passion for his fanfiction. I think Nick is going to be a character that a lot of readers relate to as well. Nick has an amazing queer friend group that supports his crush and yet has fun mocking him relentlessly over it. He’s also got an ex-boyfriend that just won’t go away, which makes life interesting yet awkward for everyone. On a more serious note, Nick has ADHD that he takes medication for to help him stay focused, and he’s also dealing with the loss of his mom, who was killed during a robbery. One of my favorite parts of the novel is actually Nick’s relationship with his ultra-supportive Dad as they try to navigate their new normal without Nick’s mom in their lives. As much as I was sitting there giggling right along with Nick’s friends as they gently poke fun at his crush, I also had moments where I just wanted to grab him and give him a big hug because he just needs one every now and then.
I don’t want to say much more because with superheroes, secret identities and even a bit of a mystery thrown in the mix, it’s just way too easy to run into spoilers, but I will say if you’re looking for a read that is as heartwarming as it is funny, The Extraordinaries should be on your must-read list. I highly recommend it to anyone who loved Renegades and Fangirl and to anyone who enjoys a good friends-to-lovers romance. The Extraordinaries has something for everyone! 4 STARS

Author: Kalynn Bayron
Publication Date: July 7, 2020
Publisher: Bloomsbury YA
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Those who follow my blog know that I love fairytale retellings, so it was a given that I would want to read Kalynn Barton’s feminist Cinderella retelling, Cinderella is Dead. As the title states, Cinderella is long dead when this story opens but her story is being used by the King of Lille to control his young female citizens. Girls are required to commit Cinderella’s tale to memory and they are taught that they should want a happy ending just like Cinderella’s.
There’s a cruel twist to the King’s version of the fairy tale, however. Once they reach a certain age, the young ladies are required to attend the King’s annual ball. They are to dress up in the finest gowns and present themselves to potential suitors, who are then charged with selecting a mate. Girls who aren’t chosen are allowed to return to the ball twice more but then after that, their lives are deemed forfeit and they are never heard from again. Being chosen isn’t necessarily a happily ever after either as the men in the kingdom view their wives as property and often beat and verbally abuse them.
Sophia, the protagonist, wants no part of this dystopian disaster. She’s not looking for a Prince Charming and in fact would much rather marry her childhood best friend, Erin. She decides that she will not take part in this sick ritual and makes it her mission to not only escape from the King’s ball, but to also come back once she finds a way to bring the whole patriarchal system crashing down. I really loved Sophia. She’s bright, fierce, independent, and she’s loyal. She’s also not perfect, which makes her all the more likeable and relatable. Once she makes her escape, she meets up with an unexpected member of the Resistance and that’s when the story really takes off and takes turn after unexpected turn to shake up the original Cinderella tale.
Sophia is definitely the shining star of this story, but what I loved most is just how unique and fresh the story is even though it uses so many elements from the original fairytale. The author will have you questioning every aspect of the tale you thought you knew so well. Were the stepsisters really evil? Who was the fairy godmother? Was Prince Charming all that charming after all? What really happened to Cinderella? Did she really have a happy ending?
Cinderella is Dead is a quick and entertaining read that I breezed through in less than a day. If feminist retellings, queer protagonists, and smashing the patriarchy are your thing, then this is the book for you! 4 STARS.
Don’t normally read much YA, but that Cinderella is Dead sounds pretty interesting and unique. Happy Friyay! RO
Thanks for stopping by, RO!
So glad you enjoyed Cinderella is Dead! It sounds like an amazing retelling, and it’s definitely on my tbr!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂
Both of these sound amazing! I didn’t know much about The Extraordinaries before I read your review, but now I want to add it to my TBR😁
The Extraordinaries is a lot of fun. I definitely recommend it if you’re in the mood for something silly and quirky.
I’m glad to see that you really enjoyed both of these. The Extraordinaries is on my list, and I love a book that can make me laugh! I’m super curious about Cinderella is Dead too.
I hope you love The Extraordinaries. I really need to read more of Klune’s books. I’ve always heard good things and now I know I’ve totally been missing out by not reading them.
I am not too sure about Cinderalla but I am definitely adding The Extraordinaries to my the list!
Loves your reviews!
Thank you! 🙂
I love some of TJ Klune’s other books, so I’ll have to give The Extraordinaries a try! Sounds like it has a lot of great stuff, and I can always go for a funny book 🙂 Cinderella is Dead sounds like an interesting one too!
Right? I was totally in the mood for a fun, silly book so The Extraordinaries was perfect for me.
The premise of cinderella is dead is so exciting to me, and I love that it talks about propoganda and what it means to rule with it… as well as other elements to! I also have been seeing people enjoying TJ Klune’s books left right and center and really need to stop sleeping on those books! Hopefully I can soon. I like the sound of a book with secrets and superheros… it sounds so unique to me!
I definitely want to try more of TJ Klune’s books. I had so much fun reading this one and getting to know the quirky characters.
I love a good retelling, so I’ll have to look into Cinderella is Dead!
If you read it, I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
I am glad you loved Cinderella is Dead as I have seen so many mixed reviews about that one! And Suzanne, what happened to your Sunday post?? LOL
LOL! I haven’t done a Sunday post in a few weeks now just because I have no news worth sharing and it was actually starting to depress me to write them. I’ll probably get back to doing them next Sunday though.
This one has been on my radar for a while – and thanks to your brilliant review, Suzanne – I am now very keen to get hold of it! Thank you for the recommendation:)
You’re welcome!
It’s outside my normal reading, but I was curious about Cinderella, since everyone is talking about it. Sounds like the author put a great spin on the original story
I’ve seen a few mixed reviews for it, mainly people wanting more with the worldbuilding, but overall I thought it was a solid read.
Both of these are on my TBR, so I’m happy to see you enjoyed them! I read Klune’s The House in the Cerulean Sea earlier this year and L-O-V-E-D it! 🙂
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬
I’m glad to hear that because I snagged an e-book of that last week when it was on sale on Amazon. 🙂
YESSSS, I am even more excited now after reading your review of Cindrella is Dead. It’s such a tough fairytale to retell well, so after this review, I am so looking forward to this!
I hope you love it!
I have an eARC of this that I need to get to! I love fairytales as well, but I gotta say, you inspired me to pick it up when you said it was a quick read, haha.
LOL! Understandable. I’ve seen a few reviews that said they would have liked a little more in depth world building, but honestly, I think that’s why it was so easy to breeze through.