Can’t Wait Wednesday – Spotlight on UNEARTHED by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner


“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, which encourages fellow bloggers to spotlight upcoming releases that we’re excited about.  It is a meme that I have  loved participating in for over a year now, but as Jill is no longer actively posting, from now on I’ll just be linking to Can’t Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa, which is a spinoff of the original WoW meme.

My selection for this week is Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner.  I actually hadn’t heard of this book prior to this week when I happened to see a giveaway for it on Goodreads.  Seeing Amie Kaufman’s name on it, considering how much I loved Illuminae, made this a must-read for me.  Then when I saw the blurb on the giveaway describing it as “Indiana Jones meets Lara Croft in space,”  I was even more sold on it!


UNEARTHED by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Publication Date:  January 9, 2018


From Goodreads:

When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying’s advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be uncovered.

For Jules Addison and his fellow scholars, the discovery of an alien culture offers unprecedented opportunity for study… as long as scavengers like Amelia Radcliffe don’t loot everything first. Mia and Jules’ different reasons for smuggling themselves onto Gaia put them immediately at odds, but after escaping a dangerous confrontation with other scavvers, they form a fragile alliance.

In order to penetrate the Undying temple and reach the tech and information hidden within, the two must decode the ancient race’s secrets and survive their traps. But the more they learn about the Undying, the more their presence in the temple seems to be part of a grand design that could spell the end of the human race…

* * * * *

I’d love to hear what upcoming book releases you’re waiting on this Wednesday? Leave me your link in the comments below and I’ll stop by and check out your WoW selection for this week. 🙂

26 replies
  1. Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!
    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read! says:

    Great pick!! I love Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s other series together, so I’m highly anticipating for this one. I decided to try and get it on Netgalley for the heck of it, and I actually got approved, which really surprised me!! I hope you love this! 😀

  2. Lauren
    Lauren says:

    I’ve never heard of this one before, but you truly hooked me into it with the “Indiana Jones meets Lara Croft in space” line. Now that makes it sound amazing! *Add to Goodreads* 🙂

  3. Di @ Book Reviews by Di
    Di @ Book Reviews by Di says:

    I know this cover! I’m not sure from where… It sounds excellent though! Only out next year though… I’m so excited about books coming out next month I can’t even look to 2018 yet!!! 😀 But thanks for putting this one on the radar.

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