Review: THE WIFE UPSTAIRS by Rachel Hawkins

Published by St. Martin's Press on January 5, 2021
Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Retelling
Pages: 304
Source: Netgalley
FTC Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.
Rachel Hawkins’ latest novel, The Wife Upstairs, is a domestic thriller that is inspired by the popular Gothic classic, Jane Eyre. Thankfully, however, you don’t have to have read Jane Eyre to thoroughly enjoy this dark and suspenseful tale. Jane Eyre’s Gothic English setting has been updated to a gated community in Birmingham, Alabama, and the Jane in this tale is not a governess, but instead is a professional dog walker.
As in the original tale, Jane is the classic underdog character. She grew up in foster care and has been struggling to make ends meet. She shares an apartment with a loser roommate who eats her food, uses her things without asking, and is just all around rude. Jane has some secrets in her past that she is running from and so she is living somewhat off the grid, making money by walking dogs for rich people in the elite Thornfield Estates and stealing trinkets from their homes to pawn for cash at every opportunity.
Life starts to look up for Jane, however, when she has a chance run-in with a handsome, wealthy widower, Eddie Rochester, while she’s out walking dogs. Because his wife and her best friend drowned in a boating accident and their bodies still haven’t been recovered, Eddie is the talk of the neighborhood amongst the bored housewife set. Jane sees her run in with Eddie as the doorway to a better life for herself, and lucky for her, Eddie is so enamored with her that he goes out and gets himself a dog so that he can hire Jane as his dog walker, which quickly escalates to Eddie asking Jane to move in with him. That’s when Jane starts to realize that what seems too good to be true may actually be just that and that Eddie may have just as many dark secrets lurking in his closet as she does in hers.
One thing that surprised me about The Wife Upstairs is that I didn’t particularly care for any of the characters. That was kind of a bummer since I would normally be rooting for the underdog, but something about Jane and her machinations just didn’t sit well with me and I felt the same way about Eddie. Even feeling ambivalent about them, however, I still found myself completely invested in the story. Why? Because, like those bored housewives, I really wanted to know the dirt on everyone. What is Jane running from? What is Eddie hiding? If those deaths were just an accident, why haven’t the bodies turned up? There were just so many questions and so many deliciously dark twists and each turn of the page would just ramp up the tension and suspense all the more.
I don’t want to say anything else because you really need to experience the unraveling of all of those deep, dark secrets yourself, but if you’re in the mood for a dark and suspenseful domestic thriller and/or are a fan of the original Jane Eyre, definitely check out The Wife Upstairs.
Excellent review, Suzanne💜 It’s harder to like a story when both characters are unlikable so this must be a good one.
It really is a good one. 🙂
The Jane Eyre inspiration really intrigues me, especially since the original Jane is such a good person and this Jane is unlikable!
Yeah, that really intrigued me. Jane Eyre is just so likeable in pretty much every way so it was an interesting twist to have this Jane be so calculating and secretive.
I have GOT to read this. I actually don’t mind reading about characters i don’t like as long as the story is good😁
This is definitely a good one!
Hmm. Unlikeable characters are unlikeable. Fantastic review! I’m glad it was a good read even with that.
It was really impressive how the author kept me so interested even though I had such mixed feelings about the characters.
I am looking forward to reading this one. I love what you said about wanting to know everything about the characters even though you didn’t like them–and comparing it to bored housewives. I know exactly what you mean! LOL Sometimes that’s enough to get us turning pages as fast as we can in books like this. I am glad you enjoyed this one. Thank you for the great review, Laurel-Rain.
Sorry, Suzanne. My brain is fried today. I didn’t mean to call you by the wrong name.
LOL! No worries. I have definitely been called worse. 🙂
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂
I have it on my TBR list and your review makes me want to read it even more..
I hope you enjoy it!
I think it says a lot for Hawkins that was she was able to create characters that weren’t necessarily likable but still have you invested in the story.
I think so too. It was really impressive.
I’m finding that with thrillers lately that I have the same issue- I might not even like the characters ha! but I still want to know all the secrets. 🙂 Glad this was good in spite of that. I’ve been seeing quite a few good reviews for it, and I’ve been loving thrillers lately.
I’ve been experiencing that more and more with thrillers too.
I have been seeing this one about, and it’s been incredibly interesting — so I was disappointed and surprised that you didn’t like anyone and THEN you throw 4-stars at me! So yeah, I need to read this!
LOL! It surprised me too. I think I was expecting to like them more because I loved Jane and Mr. Rochester from the original so much. Not liking them was definitely an unexpected twist.
I’ve never read Jane Eyre, but I’m looking forward to reading this soon!
I hope you enjoy it. And I really don’t think it’s necessary to have read Jane Eyre. It definitely stands alone as a unique story in its own right without that comparison.