‘This or That’ Book Tag
This is the first book tag I’ve ever been nominated to do, so thanks so much to the very kind Birdie Bookworm for tagging me and thanks to Ayunda at Tea & Paperbacks for creating this tag. I had fun answering these questions and hope that you’ll all enjoy learning a little more about my bookish habits and preferences :). Okay, here we go…
The Rules of the Tag:
- Mention the creator of the tag.
- Thank the blogger who tagged you.
- Choose one of the options, you don’t have to tell the reasons why you chose that but you can also do them if you want to .
- Tag 10 other people to do this tag to spread the love!
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The Questions:
1. Reading on the couch or reading on the bed?
My favorite reading spot is actually a comfy chair that I have in my office/library, but my bed is a close second. Any place where I can be comfortable and where it’s quiet. The TV and video game systems are too big of a distraction if I try to read on the couch.
2. Male main character or female main character?
While I definitely enjoy books with both, I’d have to say that as a female, I probably best relate to female main characters. Looking at my TBR stack, I’d hazard a guess that 75% of the time when I choose a book, I go for one that has a female protagonist.
3. Sweet snacks or salty snack while reading?
I’ve never met a snack that I didn’t like, haha, but if I have to choose, I’d probably go with something sweet because I am a chocolate fiend. M&Ms of all varieties, but especially the Peanut, Pretzel, and Crispy ones, are my go-to snack food when I’m reading.
4. Trilogies or quartets?
I’m sitting here trying to think if I have ever read an actual quartet and drawing a blank on every book series I’ve ever read. Honestly though, I think I prefer trilogies. It seems like a good number of books to fully develop a storyline without ending up with too much ‘filler’ material. With very rare exception, I start to get bored if a series goes beyond 3 books.
5. First person point of view or third person point of view?
I like both, but I’d say my preference is first person as it feels more personal. I will say though that I am getting a bit tired of the trend of having the first person unreliable narrator because I do prefer a narrator I can trust.
6. Reading at night or reading in the morning?
I don’t think I’ve read in the morning since I was in college and desperately trying to finish a book in time for class. Reading is something that I do to relax and to help me fall asleep, so I’m definitely going to say reading at night is my favorite.
7. Libraries or bookstores?
If there’s a book I want to read but don’t think I’ll be interested in owning, I’ll definitely go check it out from the library. I also love the Overdrive feature where you can check out e-books from the library. That said, however, I am a big fan of bookstores. I love to own copies of books that I enjoy and I love the atmosphere of bookstores, especially the local independent shops as opposed to the bigger chains
8. Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?
Looking at my list of all-time favorite books, I’m going to say my preference is books that make me cry. I’m not sure what it says about me, but I find heartbreaking reads to be more powerful and to resonate more with me more so than funny books do. I still love a good humorous read though.
9. Black book covers or white book covers?
Hmmm, I can’t really say I have a real preference on this one since I tend to buy paperbacks and those nearly always have bright covers. I will say though that one of my favorite books that I own is a black leather-bound collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories with gold writing on it. That book is beautiful, so if I have to pick, I’ll say black.
10. Character driven stories or plot driven stories?
I’m going to say character driven stories because for me, no matter how good an overall storyline may be, I need a character that I can follow along with – watch them grow, agree or disagree with their actions and motivations, etc.
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If they haven’t already done it, I’d like to tag the following bloggers, and I’d also like to continue the trend of reserving my other 5 tags for anyone else who would like to complete it. If you choose to do it, post your link below so I can read your answers 🙂
I enjoyed reading your answers! Thank you for nominating me – I’ll try to get a post up this week!
You’re welcome! Can’t wait to read your answers 🙂
Really cute! I loved your answers. 🙂
Thank you for joining in.
You’re welcome! That was a lot of fun to do 🙂
Oh what a fun tag!! I am all about books that make me cry. I mean I love a good laugh but man I love a good cry! I agree I rather have a book be character driven. Can’t wait to do this one!
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I just love a book that can get to me enough to make me cry. Can’t wait to read your answers 🙂
I love this tag! I really enjoyed reading your answers, and I have to say I agree with quite a few of your preferences. 🙂 Although I tend to enjoy reading more in the morning for some reason! (And those Pretzel and Crispy M&Ms are so great!)
Thanks! I should probably give reading in the morning another shot now that it’s not tied to homework assignments. I might enjoy it a lot more now than I used to, lol.
Thanks Suzanne. I don’t know why I never got a notification of this. I just saw the post while going through my emails. I love your answers. I also read a lot of books that make me cry. I can’t even recall reading one that made me laugh. I like unreliable narrators though:-) I look forward to doing this.
Can’t wait to read your answers 🙂
Hmm a post that will motivate me to actually start blogging again. Might be a bit until it is up as I am dealing with so much apartment crap atm.
Cool, be sure to let me know if you end up doing it. I’d love to read your answers 🙂